MovieChat Forums > True Romance (1993) Discussion > True Romance vs Boondock Saints

True Romance vs Boondock Saints

Having discussions at work on which movie is "better". Wanted to get some IMDB user feedback on this topic. If possible indicate your age range (teens, 20s, 30s, ...). Thanks!


Been hearing lots of praise for BS through my life, finally watched it and couldn't believe how terrible it was. Those flashbacks were executed badly, the dialogues were just the WORST, and there was nothing really Irish about the very Irish characters. I'm 27 years old, and loved TR for about 12 years now, I guess.


Is this a joke? TR is a gem hidden amongst great films tucked beneath greats Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. BS is a film that 8th graders think is "bad ass" but really is not a great film at all.

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BS is highly enjoyable, nice.. TR I will return to at least once a year.

"They did so much ****ing with Italian women.. they changed the bloodline forever"


Been a fan of True Romance since the 90s, one of the best movies ever, for me. Just watched Boondock Saints last nite. What a steaming PILE of a movie. How it is comparable to TR I have no idea (aside from people killing people—most movies). It is more like a Lock Stock rip off than a Tarantino "homage". Terrible ending too, but was glad it was *beep* over for *beep*'s *beep* sake *beep* off


I respect people's opinions... but this is really difficult for me to hold down. I absolutely hated The Boondock Saints, I couldn't even finish it because I was so bored- I'm all for cool and stylistic action films, but I thought everything about that film was corny and trying too hard, and that Willem Dafoe (who I think is an amazing actor) was playing some fake-ass version of Gary Oldman from Leon.

True Romance could be Tarantino's best film... one of the best movies ever made. I really don't see how they can even be compared.


True Romance wins! Flawless victory! Boondock's okay - not same league!


If you still care...

True Romance for me. Not one of my favourite films by a long way, but I thought Boondock Saints was a genuinely awful film.

I'm 35, by the way.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I love both, but true romance is the far better film.

I love the Boondock saints, saw the sequel in theaters, even got to meet Sean Patrick Flanery.

But to me it's overrated, it's not that great.
