Is the Holohoax...

Is the Holohoax the greatest hoax in human history?

Serious question.


Weak bro…😔


The Holocaust carried out by Nazi Germany really happened. The greatest hoax in human history is probably anthropogenic catastrophic climate change.


like everything in the world there are positives in negatives and vice versa. Politicians, MI6, the Pentagon, over many decades have lied pre war and post war.

This was quite detailed:


its not a hoax but the numbers dont add up. just saying. and also. some testimonies are fake. but no. not a hoax. not even close. there was genocide. its just that:

1. it was not only jews. not in the slightest.

2. the number. 6 milion is probably exageratted.

3. some people fake testimonies. its not even up to debate.


Judging by how much antisemitism we are dealing with today, I'd say it's not a hoax. Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis. And if a few SJWs had their way, it would happen again in this day and age.

I'm not even worried about "white supremacists or nazis" the real threat are the SJW types.
