MovieChat Forums > Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Discussion > People would freak about a man in drag d...

People would freak about a man in drag doing a children's show

Wouldn't they? People have gotten so uptight about even the slightest unconventional approach to dealing with children, could you imagine the helicopter-mommy uproar if they discovered the maitronly old women their children were mesmerized by was actually a middle-aged man in drag?

That to me is the most unrealistic part of the finale. No way would that fly on a national level (as discussion was made about national syndication of the Mrs. Doubtfire show.) Nor could it be kept under wraps for long.

Just saying.


Plus as children they would probably find an old fat lady talking to them boring

Favorite movie : Forrest Gump


kids would see through it. i know my kids would always point and ask about trannies as early as 5. the answer is always the same...

no one really loved them when they were growing up, so they developed a deviant lifestyle to compensate.

Thread ender.


Well, kids who know nothing about drag queens or transexuals, wouldn't be aware that Mrs. Doubtfire was a actor dressed a woman. I think people who were at Bridges, when Daniel revealed himself as Mrs. Doubtfire, would not let their kids watch the show.


kids who know nothing about drag queens or transexuals

The left is pushing it in our face so much, it's almost impossible for 5-year-olds to not know what a tranny is.

The Left wants you to believe that TRANNIES are just normal, everyday people, nothing to see here, and not the freak show that they really are.


He was dressed up as an old woman.

It's hard to tell.

Whereas if a guy dresses up as a younger woman with a lot of makeup, you can easily tell it's a man.

Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.


Well, you're a terrible parent. I hope you kids will be able to break free one day and think for themselves... shouldn't have bred


Return to Raccoon - January 27th, 2017


People would have freaked in 1993. I'm not sure so much now.


"Is America ready...?"


Just like Sandy Lester from Tootsie (played by Teri Garr who is also a comedian like Robin Williams) did when she saw that Dorothy Michaels was really Michael Dorsey (played by Dustin Hoffman).


Can I just say that Jessica Lange was so beautiful in Tootsie..., wow did I have a huge crush on her back in the early 80's when that movie came out.


I think it would have been okay if he was up front about Mrs. Doubtfire being a character he played. If they had pretended Mrs. Doubtfire was a real old lady, that would be a different story.


The show is broadcast from San Francisco. Enough said.



When he dresses up as Mrs. Doubtfire, it's not a sexual fetish thing that is being aimed at kids. It is a character he is playing on a TV show. He's an actor!


How would they know in less there was some wardrobe problem, and they forgot to edit it out of the broadcast for tv. SO I am assuming it was tape delay but it could have been live.


Even if the kids new, kids watch Mr. Dressup, and that actor himself dressed up. Kids also dress up all time for Halloween and things like that, so they are aware of the concept of pretending and imagination.

They are not going to be traumatized just because they found out that an actor was not who they thought he was.


I´m swedish and here in Sweden it wouldn´t be a big thing.

When I was very young in the 80s (born 1983) there was a very popular duo named Ola Ström & Per Dunsö that did tv-programs for children and many of the characters in those programs was Ola & Per in drag. In many of their tv-series, one of them played an middle-aged woman named Hjördis (the other guy played the role as her husband) that always flirted with other men.

I guess that here in Europe we have a long tradition of theatrical entertainment like revue and farce where male actors often plays women-characters as a comic relief.


I don't know why some people hit the panic button when it comes to children having to deal with men dressing as women.

I mean what if there was a TV show where an actor dressed as a bear? What's more dangerous to a child? A transvestite or a bear?


Cuz people, parents especially, have sticks up their asses. Look at the backlash there was when it came out that Barney, was a gay, black man, dressed as a dinosaur. I mean, who give a sh*t?


I'd rather have Mrs. Doubtfire than Barney. No contest there.


I hated Barney and so did so many others. Though it had to do with how annoying his voice was. Plus as Nostalgia Critic said he is happy all the time which is a big turn off for both kids and adults.


