I like it

I enjoy this schlocky film. It has some clunky trailer lines, good gore makeup, and a simple story.

The biggest change in the genre is the way Punhead goes from being a lovecraft style monster into a slasher villain. Pinhead and the cenobites were always in the story, but they had no interest in the goals or intentions of the antagonists or protagonists. They just wanted souls to bring into their warped world of torture, pain, pleasure, and mutilation.

In this one, the intention was changed to world domination. But, for a sequel, it's still fun to watch Douglas Bradley play a maniacal villain.


I wouldn't say it's a good movie, but I agree, it can be fun. I even agree with the criticisms Pinhead was more Freddy than he had been in the past, but it works for me. I like how it's explained he split in two and he's kinda on his own now. Leviathan kinda bailed on him. Plus JP Monroe is so hateable it's fun.


You got that right. He looks like he bathes in olive oil skunk sweat and cheap cologne.


He's such a lowlife. You hate him when you see how he treats women, but then when he is so willing to join Pinhead so easily, he goes from lowlife to total piece of shit. He's a good secondary antagonist.

The movie has some bad acting - but bad acting can work when it's gothic and noir like this - and gets goofy at the end (the camera cenobite is laughable), but overall it provides a certain level of enjoyment.


Camera head was pure trailer fodder
"Are you ready for your close up Joey?" The schlock was strong with this one.


As bad as he is, that line made me laugh my ass off.


Yeah, that Hellraiser III nodding at Sunset Boulevard was quite cheeky.


Ya I just finished watching it. 3am now. Perfect midnight movie!
I love the grainy old-school film quality. UHD detracts from gore sometimes.
They don't make them like this anymore.
These days, you have to sift through 100 garbage horror movies to find one gem like this.


I haven't seen this film in a long, long time.

The first two Hellraisers are great, I also recall being quite fond of part V whilst III & IV are a bit of a blur for me.

Adding it to my watchlist.
