MovieChat Forums > Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) Discussion > Who would win in a fight **SPOILERS**

Who would win in a fight **SPOILERS**

Who would win in a fight? Rank in order from easiest to beat, down to the toughest.

6. George Aaronow
5. Shelley Levene
4. John Williamson
3. Dave Moss
2. Blake
1. Ricky Roma

Aaronow and Levene appear to be the oldest by quite a bit. Aaronow is timid for most of the movie except for the part when he storms out of Williamson’s office angry about how the cop spoke to him. Levene is old and would probably break a hip in a fight but he definitely has more fight in him than Aaronow.

Williamson has probably never been in a fight in his life and is entitled. It’s implied he knows someone who got him the job. But he does show a bit of a dark side in the end when he stares into Levene’s face and goes to tell the cop anyway. Plus he’s much younger and more agile.

Moss would beat up the previous 3 but he does seem intimidated by Blake when Blake gives his pep talk. Plus he seems very emotional and like he would rather yell and complain than to fight.

Blake carries himself well and is very confident. He looks like he is pretty solid (body type) and doesn’t take shit from anyone and has no problem dishing out the shit talk. He gets in everyone’s face during his speech and doesn’t seem to back down.

The win goes to Roma. He is in decent shape, moves light on his feet, is very confident. Not afraid to talk shit to Moss and Williamson and has that fiery intensity in his eyes. I think Blake or Roma could be a toss up here for #1 but I have to go with Roma.

** Side note - I would have loved to see how Roma would respond in the beginning if Blake tried talking to him like he did the other 3 **


Dumbest post I ever read. Your parents must be crack addicts


^^ dumbest reply I ever read from the golf addict. Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass.


That all ya got? You 12 years old


Says the person who came up with the oldest most unoriginal reply ever “dumbest post ever”. I’m done with ya!


Dude, I’m all seriousness, it was a moronic post
No offense


I'm sure you meant to be offensive.


Since Shelly and Aaronow are dead I'd say they won't win.


That’s a good point you have. And also why they are last place on my list :-)


I'd say it would be between Blake and Moss. Roma is just too small.

Blake is larger, younger and mean. He is also a psychopath imo. Moss is less successful in business but he has a working class badassery about him.

If I were to bet I'd place my money on Moss. It could go either way though.

Ricky Roma is competent and confident. He is just too small imo.

Don't listen to those naysayers. Great thread!


I see your point about Moss. He does give off a tough working class vibe. The winner would definitely be between him, Blake and Roma. Roma gives off that vibe if growing up tough and always getting into fights with his friends and neighborhood kids.


It was interesting that Roma skipped Blake's speech. Probably excused as a top earner...never would have stood for Blake's insults...would have flamed him back. Probably would not have fought Blake, though...


Yes I agree if Roma was present during Blake’s tirade, he would not have stood for it like the others did. Roma definitely would have fired back with insults of his own.


I say Roma is top regardless of height, check TGF or Scarface, both Montana and Corleone are Roma's height. Why do I say Roma? Bec he is cool, clear headed, observant, detached, and quick. Blake is quick and as smart as Roma in reading the room but his ego will undo him. He will underestimate Roma, bragging about his brass balls, BMW, and gold watch, Roma doesn't need to brag, he goes in for the kill, silently, swiftly, just when you underestimate him.


6. John Williamson - Weasel Williamson would lose to everybody, even Levene.
5. Shelley Levene - Levene might have some fight in him, especially against weaker opponent like Williamson. Still, he's resorted to being a desperate coward for family's sake.
4. George Aaronow - Aaronow would beat up Williamson and Levene, but would fight only if he absolutely had to.
3. Dave Moss - Moss is mostly too smart to fight. But I wouldn't want to be subject to his fists.
2. Blake - Blake would beat up everybody but Roma. Moss would put up a good fight though.
1. Ricky Roma - Blake couldn't handle Roma's speed, agility, experience, and street smarts.
