MovieChat Forums > X-Men (1992) Discussion > No X Men movie is as good as this

No X Men movie is as good as this

Does anyone else agree?



The X-MEN movies were not directed by anyone who is a master at their craft. Someone with attention to detail and a mastery vision for conceiving an entire world with convincing costumes, characterization, and dramatization; instead it was given to a director who could not do justice to the material.

In all fairness, I must also say that the X-MEN universe is an incredibly difficult one to create. Still, the films didn't even try (the costume design and effects looked much better for the First Class film, strangely enough; I never saw it, though). Cyclops had practically no personality, Stewart had no warmth as Xavier, Halle Berry flat-out is not Storm, and some newcomer playing Wolverine turned the character into a heart-throb rather than a cleverly down-to-earth and occasionally wise-cracking fighter with a hot temper (like he was in this cartoon).

The X-MEN cartoon had soul. The films didn't even have heart.

As the above-poster stated, Rogue was butchered as well. And alleviating Gambit from the lineup was pointless, as was bringing in Beast for the third film (though KG was a good choice for the character, the direction surrounding him was useless anyway). I guess there's no need to mention the costumes looked cheaply designed as though they were made for children for Halloween purposes.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I thought Cyclops had no personality in the cartoon. Even jr-high aged me wanted Gambit over Cyclops as boyfriend.


Whaaaat?! Cyclops was my favorite (alongside Wolverine). When collecting X-Men figurines from way back in the day, Cyclops and Wolverine were the only two I had two different figures of from two different generations.

Gambit was more suave, but Cyclops was a good, level-headed, well-rounded leader, very similar to Captain America. In fact, I used to team up Cyclops and Captain America all the time in Marvel vs Capcom 2.


Totally agree. But, if they'd take this series a step further and make it more adult oriented, I'd pay triple price for blu-ray releases!


The cartoon was pretty adult oriented. My mother walked in one Saturday during an episode and she's fairly open minded. But the look on her face was priceless. She and my father were having marital problems then and this cheered her up really fast!!

If only there had been DVDs during that era


I don't understand why they removed Gambit for the movies. He was perfectly suited for that genere. They could have done so much more w him ....including stuff which you actually can't get into during Sat morning Cartoons. I was waiting for this like forever. And then when he was supposedly getting his own!! Talk about fantasies coming true.

The only thing which yes would have been better would have been Luke Perry never having his stroke.


I agree. Though I admit my most favorite X-Men films are First Class and Days of Future Past. I think the original movies are entertaining but I didn't think they did the characters justice. Really Rogue in the moves was written more like Jubille or Kitty Pryde than Rogue from the comics. Plus they didn't even do the history from the comics where she worked with Mystique and the brotherhood since she was a kid. It's such a shame. Maybe whenever they eventually have to reboot they'll do the characters more justice.

Green Goblin is great!


i agree but yeah that can be said about most tv to movie comparisons.. the tv show has more time to develop compared to movies.


Well, not kewl enough to share this view. Though I do get where you’re coming from (it is better than many of them). That being said, apart from the Deadpool films, in terms of capturing the look and feel of the comics (overall essence), I do agree with some fans that *almost* none of the films came close to the animated series.

However, as far as depth and pure quality goes, the X-Men film franchise hit some real highs. The very first two X-Men? They were beautifully made, influential, and in some ways faithful to the characters in their own right. Fast forward to a film like Logan? Now that’s as good as it gets — masterpiece material and dare I say a superior work. How ‘bout First Class & especially Days of Future Past? Few naysayers aside, those are two first-rate X-Men films that very much felt X-Men. Not as faithful to the comics as the animated series was or not (and I don’t think they needed to be btw), the latter in particular earns its status as one of the finest superhero movies ever made (and FYI, I don’t like it any less than Logan).

All in all, although this classic animated series marvelously - and perhaps best - captured the essence of the comics and was very well-crafted, I think the best films in the series are by no means lesser works (sorry but from a pure technical standpoint, some of them blow away the series).


I really liked elements of the story in First Class, but too many characters felt under-utilized. And Days of Future Past was okay, but it, too, was kind of messy at times, and Storm really was poorly used in Days of Future Past.

I would argue that Logan was definitely the best X-Men movie made to date, and I would hazard an opportunity to say that The Wolverine was the next best X-Men movie to date, only because it took itself serious, focused more on character development, had an interesting plot, and decent action sequences.

The major problem is that the X-Men are supposed to be very similar to The Avengers, but if you measure up the films, the X-Men films (even Days of Future Past and First Class) don't feel quite as well rounded as Avengers 1 and Infinity War.


I love the first Two Movies as well as the 2nd two Wolverine movies.
I do feel most of the characters were fleshed out here being a tv show. I wish there was more Angel and Iceman and a little more of Wolverine in Japan


No. This is too loud. Too much screaming.
