MovieChat Forums > The Witches (1990) Discussion > Roald Dahl needs to get over himself

Roald Dahl needs to get over himself

I understand an author has a right to their work, but there is a difference bwetween what will work in a book and what will work in a movie. and none of dahls stories are shall we say, "the lord of the rings" or something epic like that. he writes creepy childrens tales. When I read that he was apprarently "outraged" at the ending change of this movie that he never wanted people to make his books into movies again, I felt like man you need to get over yourself! I MUCH prefer the ending to this movie, not every movie has to have an upbeat ending but this movie needed it, and the test audiences were correct. I miss when they used to do that, get the publics opinion. a dark ending would not work for this kinda movie. sounds like Dahl was just a snob who needed to get off his high horse and realize the filmmaking process is not the same as writing story on paper. film still came out great and people loved it so why is being so pissy about it?


He died 16 years ago. Pretty sure he's over it.

4th wall break inside a 4th wall break... that's like 16 walls!


26 years to be exact.


Roald Dahl is dead. He is not getting over anything any more.


Figured he would have learned his lesson after Wonka. Either demand final script approval, or turn it down. Instead he took the money and ended up being mad about the change in the ending. Kind of funny because if the remember correctly, the movie was very faithful to the book, except for the very last scene.

I think filmmakers were right with the ending for the movie. Not only did it work better for family movie ending, but also for an American audience which would want a happy ending.


This one was pretty decent, would love for it to be released on Blu-ray.

I wonder what Mr. Dahl would've thought of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? It was truer to the novel, but I much prefer Willy Wonka '71.


This topic makes me wonder what he would've thought of the movie Matilda.
