MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > "The Cadillac" - cringeworthy?

"The Cadillac" - cringeworthy?

Just watched this episode again and every plot point was idiotic:

1. If Morty was thought to be embezzling funds, check the books. Simple.
2. The whole complicated lie to fool Susan. They met at Bloomingdale's so George could buy a new shirt with Elaine's advice to surprise Susan. Done.
3. The Plaza Cable guy cartoonishly chasing Kramer all over New York. Eeech.

This seemed to mark the beginning of the worst episodes of the series. The fact that it was double length is twice the kick in the nuts.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpSzSxSzSxSzSxSzSx--" - Frank Grimes


I don't understand what the cable guy would do to kramer if he caught him in the street. Beat him into taking out the cable?

💎F A B U L O U S🌸💎Capiche?


He would have pulled Kramer's heart out and shoved it down his throat.


1) Two possibilities here:
a) They are stubborn old people who once they have it in their heads that someone is a crook, then they are a crook, and nothing can change their mind. Also if you've ever lived in a condo complex or somewhere with an HOA full of old people, then trust me, they love the ounce of power they have will use it in any way they can.
b) Highly unlikely this mostly senior community would have any kind of computer system for their book keeping, which means its being done by pencil and paper. It could be possible for Morty to be fudging some numbers and pocketing some cash. Or maybe he would say he needed $2000 in cash for landscaping, but in actuality he needed $1500 and pocketed the rest.

2) George finding out he had a shot at Marisa Tomei after he got engaged to Susan is perfectly the kind of thing that would happen to George.

3) Funny idea, and definitely something Kramer would do, but flawed execution.


The Cadillac episode is a masterpiece compared to both 1) the Puddy as car salesman episode, searching for high fives everywhere, while George gets screwed out of a candy bar and 2) the Kenny Rogers Roasters episode with Newman fantasizing over eating Kramer.


This is a goofy sitcom for entertainment only, and you're complaining because it lacks documentary accuracy. Fool.
