The Bonsai Tree business

Do you guys think the Bonsai tree business would have been successful if there had been no bad guys and they were free to run the business without the bad guys?


They were.
It wasn't.


What "bad guys" are you talking about?

No, there was no way "Mr. Miyagi's Little Trees" could have been successful.

Who wants to shop for counterfeit bonsai trees in an industrial crack den in a shady part of town?


There are quite a few successful businesses that sell bonsai trees. So I'd say it's possible.


It was doomed to failure from the start. Daniel lacked the business acumen to get things off the ground while Miyagi’s alcoholism would have been a gradual drain on its capital. Its location in a crime infested slum wouldn’t have helped matters either.




The producers of Cobra Kai want us to believe Whineielle suddenly became a great businessman.

It's more likely the character died from internal bleeding shortly after the events of KK3.


Cobra Kai is fan fiction which veers wildly from the original trilogy. The Daniel of KKIII was destined for a life of squalor and obesity.


Yet you are excited about Terry Silver returning and hoping he will be victorious. Why if it is only fan fiction?


It’s an entertaining show but they’ve taken the characters in a different creative direction, out of step with Kamen’s original vision. Well connected and a natural leader of men, the Johnny of 1984 was en route to a lucrative career in business or politics. The Cobra Kai writers were obviously bullied in their own youth and have sought revenge on their childhood tormentors by making Johnny downwardly mobile. Likewise, they identified with Daniel and have created a fantasy world where he grows up to become successful, despite obvious signs to the contrary littered throughout the trilogy.


It’s an entertaining show but they’ve taken the characters in a different creative direction, out of step with Kamen’s original vision.
KK3 did that. Kamens vision for KK3 was the Miyagi ancestors route. Furthermore, Kamens vision involved Daniel always winning with the guidance of Yoda (Miyagi).

Well connected and a natural leader of men, the Johnny of 1984 was en route to a lucrative career in business or politics.

You say that but I predicted years ago (long before Cobra Kai) that Johnny would end up as a handy man, and I have no influence over the writers.
As far as Daniel is concerned, the writers had the Bonsai business go bust. Daniels wife even laughed about it as a business venture. It comes across (to me anyway) that she is the brains behind the car dealership. Daniel struck lucky with her.
As an aside, i don't think Cobra Kai would have worked if Johnny had been successful instead of Daniel anyway.


It comes across (to me anyway) that she is the brains behind the car dealership. Daniel struck lucky with her.

That's how it came across to me as well. I think the other guy is pretending to be Barney Stinson with a hyperbolic idolization of the Johnny character for some strange reason.


The HIMYM writers poached that from the IMDb board.


It makes sense to me that Daniel would make his money by being a sleazy used car salesman that sells lemons. Notice Daniels extreme reaction when Johnny implies the cars on the lot are defective. Can’t wait until a legitimate businessman like Mr Terry Silver teaches Danny-Boy (and Wears Alan by proxy) a lesson.


Are you masturbating over that wet dream?


How’s you bunker coming along? You never thought in the last 30 years that Silver would return. You’re safe-space coddled existence and world-view has been shattered and you’re frantically trying to ready yourself for the coming storm.


No bunker
Not worried about a fictional character coming back in a fictional Netflix series.
In fact looking forward to watching it.


Who are you rooting for… Terry Silver or Daniel?


Neither. I'm rooting for Johnny


Whose to say it wasn't successful? Seemed like Mr. Miyagi was doing pretty well for himself.
