MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters II (1989) Discussion > Why do people hate part II so much?

Why do people hate part II so much?

I don't get why this film gets so much hate.


aiming it at kids more
Harold Ramis not wanting Janine's crush on Egon was a mistake
mood slime was a little weak
Dana having a Kid that wasn't Peter's was a mistake
not giving Ernie Hudson's Winston Zeddemore a bigger role/more to do
Bobby Brown's Music


Nostalgia bias for the first movie. I thought Ghostbusters 2 was the better film. Better villain & better chemistry between the main actors. I liked how Winston was more involved & I loved the soundtrack.


Might have something to do how much goofier and cartoonier this one was compared to the first one. Plus, people found the wimpy, slimy little shit artist annoying.
