Scariest Episode?

What episode of T.F.T.C. was the scariest?(Doesn't necessarily mean the best.)

I started watching the series when I was just a kid, and got really freaked out by the early season ep "The Secret." When the kid turned into a werewolf and went after the male vampire that tried to kill him really jolted me for some reason. I don't know if it would still hold up today, but it's the 1 ep of this series I think of first in this category.

Your pick(s)?


The ending of the one with those twins was very unsettling. They used a chainsaw right at Joe Pesci's crotch to saw him in half. I cringed. That was tough to watch, even though I thought the two twins were hot. They were creeping me out when they'd talk at the same time or giggle, but still kinda hot.


And All Through the House.


I'm surprised to see people saying And All Through the House is scary. To me it is not scary at all because the villain and the filmmaking elements are all presented in a silly, cartoony, comedic, totally unrealistic/unbelievable style.


That's one of the best episodes, You have no taste Navaros.


And All Through the House


Season 1:
All through the House

Season 2:
Mute Witnes to Murder
Television Terror

Season 3:
Easel Kill Ya
Mourning Mess
Abra Cadaver

Season 4:
The New Arrival (truly terrifying!)
Maniac at Large
Strung Along

Season 5:
Forever Ambergris
People who Live in Brass Hearses
House of Horror
Well Cooked Hams
Came the Dawn

Season 6
Only Sin Deep

I bet you're wondering what a place like this is doing in a girl like me-The Mummy


I thought the mrs autopsy one was creepy. Kathy Ireland was in it.

And guy who cuts the tattoo off his Chest was pretty hardcore



not sure about scariest but the way the "Santa" maniac looked at the end of 'And All Through the House'......... HORRIFIC


"Lover Come Hack to Me" isn't exactly scary, but it's weird and unsettling.


It was a woman and male vampire in "the secret"


Man, so many good episodes....

I remember finding the one where the guy rips the tattoo off his chest to be pretty scary.
