4:3 SD v 16:9 HD

Not only did Disney change the aspect ratio but they also updated the old episodes to HD. Personally, I like the older look of classic Simpsons. The colour feels more natural even though the picture quality is not as crisp. I watched a Season 9 episode on TV in the new HD format and it felt completely off. I also noticed how harshly defined the borders are for each character. You really notice the black borders on every little thing, which is totally distracting to me!
Am I exaggerating? What are your opinions on it?


"updated the old episodes to HD"

aw crap I hate that ... Seinfeld does it as well..
i like 4:3 myself.



it's painful to watch
especially when you know the frame was carefully drawn/filled with background details, etc.


Go to the series page on Disney plus and look under details. For the older episodes it gives you the option to choose between the original 4:3 frame or the cropped 16:9 ratio.


They HD´d the whole series though didn´t they? When I have watched on tv, even the old eps have been in HD.


Not sure what you mean by "They HD'd the whole series", unless you're talking about the aspect ratio, but as blue1981 pointed out you can change that. Otherwise, the older episodes have the same animation quality as they always did. They did not redo anything.


Ok I dont have disney plus anymore but on TV, you have to watch them in HD is what I meant.
