An overrated kids' movie

Just started watching Monster Squad for the first time and no wonder it was a flop when it was released.

This movie is lame. Full of annoying kid actors with big mouths. The monsters look good but they are wasted among a dire script and those annoying kids.

Sorry, I quit the movie 45 minutes in. But I laugh at all those 50-year-olds who still think this movie is great. I couldn't find one rant review on YouTube of this dross. Nobody wants to be seen not to like it.

The Emperor's New Clothes.


I think it’s one of those that you have to first see at a young age. There’s a handful of those that I didn’t see until adulthood. I guess we should just be happy for all the ones we did see, am I right?


Actually, I beg to differ....

I was never really taken with it (upon original release) but bought the Blu-Ray a few years back and was surprised how great it was (certainly better than genuine 'popular' yet overrated shite like 'The Lost Boys' or 'Goonies', which are probably the two films/genres I'd compare it with)

And given that you (yourself) admitted it flopped at the box-office (upon release) then you could hardly call it (quote) "overrated" could you?

"Overlooked" perhaps? (Given it's recent reappraisal)

BTW, I'm 49 (and think it's a great movie)


I thought it was okay. I saw it first as an adult though, it's definitely a kids movie.


Saw it in the 80s and really liked it. Not as much as the Lost Boys, but I still really enjoy it. Duncan Regehr is so great in it. I knew of a lot of people who didn't like it when it came out, and I still know a lot of people who don't. I think you find though that those that don't like it aren't going to spend much time talking about it because it's just not that relevant.


"But I laugh at all those 50-year-olds who still think this movie is great. I couldn't find one rant review on YouTube of this dross. Nobody wants to be seen not to like it."

LOL, what a tool.
