MovieChat Forums > The Lost Boys (1987) Discussion > The poster in Sam's room??!!

The poster in Sam's room??!!

I laughed when I saw the sexy Rob Lowe poster on his closet door lol.


Yeah, that's pretty f'd up right there. No heterosexual boy would have that in his room.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Sam probably had a Boy George poster as well. No wonder the Frog brothers thought he was pretty fruity.


I think that's the point!


Yeah, that's pretty f'd up right there. No heterosexual boy would have that in his room.

Pretty sure Sam is meant to be gay. Not sure why it's so "f'd up." Seeing as though not every boy in the world is heterosexual and all. But I'm happy the poster has rocked your hetero-normative world view. It needs to be rocked by the sounds of it.


Just how did you infer his orientation?

The poster being on the closet is pretty humerous,because it could be code for multiple things- even a dig at the heartthrob himself, not to mention Cory haim , who adorned the walls of my older sisters bedroom .


What's the problem with inferring he is gay? There's nothing to infer that he definitely isn't gay either is there? I'm comfortable with watching Sam as a gay character. There are enough hints to support this theory (the poster, aswell as the digs at his flamboyant wardrobe, the fact that Joel Schumacher is gay also doesn't hurt the theory).

If you want to see those things as just humorous code for something other than him being gay, (coz it obviously bothers you that he could be gay) That's up to you. The film is definitely leaving it up to the viewer to decide either way.

But for me, the film is telling me that Sam is a gay character. Which only makes the film cooler in my opinion.


I have no idea why you think I've got any kind of issue with Sam being gay.
In fact,
I've been watching this film since its release and I've never , not even once, considered sams sexuality. It simply doesn't matter to the narrative or any thing else.

Not that there's anything wrong with that


The poster has NOTHING to do with his sexual orientation. The director had just directed Lowe in ST Elmos Fire before this one and he put the poster up as an in joke. This was not a secret gay undertone as a wink to other gays or whatever.


Totally agree with you robertmeiers. It was a joke, watch the commentary and it explains it all.


Yeah but that's an external explanation which cannot be used as an in movie disclaimer.

It's a bit like how I've quite successfully argued that the "That never happened to the other fella" line in OHMSS allows the within film canon interpretation that this is literally "another fella" to exist and therefore James Bond acts as a code name within the films.

The fact that the director / screenwriter's original intention may have been simply to serve up a little joke does not alter that.


Ol' Joel was probably grooming Corey Haim and then turned him after a late night hollywood "party" much the same way vampires turn a human.


The biggest sign that Sam is a homo is when he places the stuffed rodent in his bedroom closet. A straight male would never turn his nose up at beaver.


You do know that Vincent Price was gay, right?


I think Sam is meant to be sort of "metrosexual" which wasn't quite trendy in small towns and certain areas back in the eighties, but in certain cities it was pretty much the norm. Even back then I had cousins like Sam who did dress the same, who did have those somewhat "fruity" posters who listened to wham, etc, never really understanding the implication (or not caring?) and they're all straight and married with children now.

It seems like the longer the film goes on, the less obnoxiously 80s Sam's clothes begin to look.

We've become a race of peeping toms.


What's the problem with inferring he is gay? There's nothing to infer that he definitely isn't gay either is there? I'm comfortable with watching Sam as a gay character. There are enough hints to support this theory (the poster)

Then explain the MOLLY RINGWALD poster he also had hanging on his wall, bub. Based on your "theory" that makes him hetero. The director explains in the commentary why the Lowe poster is there - it was a JOKE. And his wardrobe was normal for that time period.

Yea so keep fantasizing about his orientation all you want if it makes you feel all warm and gooey inside. Won't change what is reality.



Including "Lost Boys" director Joel Schumacher, who's openly gay. Rumor has it that the Rob Lowe poster was his.


If you go to Schumacher's page in Wikipedia it's a calling card for him to drop references to his own sexual orientation in films that he directs. The poster is like an Alfred Hitchcock cameo in a sense that's indirect.


I've heard that Joel Schumacher wanted to call the Batman movie he directed "Buttman and Throbbin".


I do think it's a gay undertone, as there are others in the film because of the director. But I don't think Sam is meant to be a flamer.


You're right that Sam is not a ‘flamer’ but neither is the poster any kind of ‘gay undertone’ - back then teens had posters of women they liked but also role-model movie stars they thought were cool.


Lmao at this still of Jason Patric!

Nice tree limb placement 😂🤣


Yeah I think Sam/Corey were definitely gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that)
