MovieChat Forums > Soul Man (1986) Discussion > is it just me or did this ruin CTHowells...

is it just me or did this ruin CTHowells career

the last post is host and roast toast


It's just you - he has over 100 credits to his name following this. 100 projects in 22 years in an exceptional career for any actor.


thanks pluk

if it were up to me I'd chose to speak like Humphrey Bogart, isn't


He could of had a bigger career perhaps. He was part of the brat pack.


C. Thomas Howell wasn't part of the brat pack actually, but he did do a couple of movies with some of them. As for Soul Man ruining his career - I don't think it did. He's done 100's of films practically since it, not all mainstream, but he's still working to this day and directing.

Tommy Howell =
The greatest man on earth
The love of my life


Mostly obscure stuff and bit parts. He's got a career though, so I guess you can't say he's a failure.

I don't remember him ever being that successful, even at his peak. He got a couple of lead roles, including this one, in movies that didn't do that well. I don't think he was as well known as even actors like Andrew McCarthy or Anthony Michael Hall.

Nah, I wouldn't say this hurt his career that much.


Actually, I think this movie ruined Ronald Reagan Jr's promising career....


He's said in interviews that both he and director Steve Miner felt blacklisted after the film came out. Nothing was said to him directly but he'd hear through the grapevine that a lot of Hollywood types were offended by the content. Steve Miner wouldn't direct for another 3 years, and that was Wonder Years episodes!

Howell got "A Tiger's Tale" with Ann-Margaret but it tanked, and he ended up doing a couple of French films. This was followed by the epitome of volleyball films to end all volleyball films, "Side Out". Since then he's been a direct-to-video king with a zillion credits. Had the weird distinction to star in the tv or video versions of two big-screen remakes, "Poseidon Adventure" and "War of the Worlds". And War...part 2!!


He never had a career, nor was he going to. So, no, this filmed did not ruin something that wasn't there to begin with.

As for those saying 'Oh, he has 100 film credits', I think you know the intent of the question. Working in Hollywood is one thing. Being a schlub that has never been in any movies of import or won an award for anything kinda suggests your movie career blows.

If C. Thomas Howell walked down the street by himself, I bet 95 people out of 100 would not even flinch. 3 would think 'Hey, that's that actor-guy who's name I can't recall'. The last 2 people would recognize it to be him, and want to avoid eye contact.


Just had to say that. Bye, bye.




it definitely put the rails on a promising career; which sucked since this was the same time the hitcher came out

No Justice Just Us


Its amazing how people can be so wrong at any given time. Howell was a key component of the 80s brat pack. Some people think you had to be in St Elmos Fire to be in it. Wrong. Anyway, yes this movie seems to have ruined his career with all of the subsequent nonsense PC BS.


yes, it clearly messed up his career. <<<<<<<<<<<

He never had talent or a career you imbecile.


Never had talent is subjective. Never had a career is not. He was part of ensemble casts of very popular movies in the early 80s and headlined other wide releases. Sounds like a career to me jackass


He was never A-list. He made some B list movies that were decent/moderate hits (especially in the age of cable and video rentals). Lead as Pony-Boy in 'The Outsiders' was his biggest 'mainstream' movie, but that was in a really large cast of up and comers, many of whom surpassed him success-wise (Lowe, Swayze, Cruise, etc).

He remained in the same types of movies, but they just were less and less successful as time went on. He didn't hit the 'heights' of 'The Hitcher' and 'Soul Man' again. 'Red Dawn' and 'Grandview USA' were other large ensemble movies that were fairly successful for their time.

His resume is huge, so he's certainly never been lacking for work. Just nothing that has hit big for him.

reply 16 11/09/2015


He was good as the @$$hole doctor in that Amazon series which ended prematurely imo.


He's gonna be in the new Spider-Man, it might be a comeback.


Well he is doing well in Southland on TNT.


He was great on Southland. Too bad he didn't have a bigger role on the show.


Why would you say that?This movie was his biggest film.


The fallout from this film later might have contributed Howell’s star dimming. Or it could have just as easily been simply his own wooden acting, and inability to age out of teen fare in non-awkward fashion, like a less charismatic version of his fellow three-part-name-bearing peer, Anthony Michael Hall.


He never elevated out of the fangirl idol status that was launched after The Outsiders. He's been in in some really good and really bad movies ever since but his star never really rose to that of the heights of other Brat Packers.


He became a professional Submissive in the BDSM industry, where he earned big bucks because the Dons love to see Thomas howl.


He's had success but should've never been in this awful movie. I'm not sure if it ruined his career but it probably didn't help.
