MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > As part of the ongoing discussion about ...

As part of the ongoing discussion about which movie is better, Alien or Aliens...

... I'd like to state my opinion after rewatching this just now.

Aliens is in fact nothing more than a generic action movie in space, like Die Hard with a crew, and the aliens are terrorists, or Starship Troopers but it takes itself much too serious, full of corny dialog. They even got a proto-Michelle-Rodriguez in the crew - Vasquez.

So I'm definitely staying in the Alien camp.

Thanks for reading my opinion. Stay safe out there.


Originality vs over-the-top action.



The original by far. It's a 10/10. Aliens is a 6.5.


while I agree and respect your persepctive, I like them both equally, in different ways for their differences.


Seriously bad take. Familiar, but nevertheless poor.

I prefer Alien too. But the pretentious twaddle that people come out with to enhance the stature of their preference of that film is absurd.

By everyone involved in that movie's own admission, Alien was nothing more than an attempt to put a cap on a maligned b-movie trope of the monster loose somewhere, a confined space where the victims are taken out one after the other. With great production design and direction. That's why attempts to emulate the original film are and will always be a failure because that movie did it all as well as it could be done (while still being no more sophisticated than a guy in a suit).

I remember finding Aliens scarier. Since there were hordes of Aliens, nobody as safe at any place at any time. OF course it's more of an action movie. But so what? Some people prefer action films to monster movies.


Both are masterpieces stop nitpicking. Alien is one of the most well done Science Fiction films of all time and Aliens is probably top 3 action films of all time. Its Camerons Apex. Neither are completely original but both are executed perfectly. Aliens has multiple crescendos of adrenaline filled endings that run in layers throughout the end of the film that one after another. It basically never lets up and each ending outdoes. the previous one. That is extremely rare to work in a film. Acting and cast are perfect in both. Sigourney showing her depth and that she is one of the most versatile actors of all time. People like to lump Linda Hamilton from terminator 2 in with Sigourney but Linda just acts crazy in T2. Sigourney is at a WHOLE different level in Alien and Aliens. She basically has every range of emotion possible in those two films and pulls it off to perfection. Her acting does not get enough credit for those two films as well as many others she has done. Shes next level for female actresses. People like Streep or Foster look like hacks next to Sigourney's acting.

Now Die Hard is a better film than either but people overlook how good the script and dialogue actually are because the action, directing, and acting are so well done. Die Hard basically is perfection and the standard at which all other films are measured. Im not kidding either. People miss so much about that film. Die Hard is masterclass filmmaking and John McTiernan on his game basically puts anyone else to shame. I would take a gamble and say Kubrick would agree. Die Hard is THAT GOOD. Kubrick was a huge fan of other directors BTW but I dont know if he has ever mentioned McTiernan in an interview. Seems like I remember him talking about him once though.

Ridley a fine director and one of the modern greats. I place him above Cameron. Cameron really only had 3 great films IMO. Terminator 1, Aliens, and Abyss. Aliens was his MAX though by far no doubt about it.


>stop nitpicking

The actual plot isnt even finished in the movie: what happens to Jonesy? Someone feed him?


LOL.. Cat goes to sleep just like Ripley. I assume you are talking about the first film.


And ermm I rewatched Die Hard lately too. It's a good movie, it always was a good movie and will always be a good movie. But the best ever made, the standard of everything? How about no? :D


I would say yes outside of some sort of niche film thats specialized. Im not sure you could compare a film like Die Hard with something like pure psychological thrillers or horror. That would be a different animal completely. You could compare things like the precision execution of the story. Die Hard has no slop.. no flaws. Even the supporting characters barely in the film have complete arch's. At its core it a detective film but there are layers even beneath that. Its always been one of my favorite films since It was released but when I watched it with my son for his first time maybe 2 years ago now I was explaining some of the more subtle elements of the film to him and how well developed the script was all somewhat hidden within an action genre classic. If you ever watch it again pay special attention to the Ellis character. McLaine is the Hero of the film of course but Ellis is actually a secondary hero which is why Mclaine has such an emotional reaction when Hanz murders him. Actor who plays Ellis also does a fine job because thats a tricky performance to pull off. Its basically like that scene after scene in the film.

My son and I also watch Aliens and I had to go explain how that film contains so many multiple ending each building upon that last nd everything plays are part including the music. Cameron basically gave a masterclass in how to build to a pulse pounding crescendo and how to finish a film properly with that kind of relentless build up both in story and character. Sigourney has a lot of great performances but nothing else for her compares to Aliens. "Death and The Maiden" is up there but her range in Aliens is off the charts. It may be the best performance from an Actress in any film.. all somewhat disguised in a sci fi action film of all things. Again Weaver is extremely underrated as an actress let alone screen presence.


From a technical standpoint I think Alien is a better film throughout its entirety but Scott is a better filmaker IMO and although he goes slower he understands pacing better. Cameron's wheelhouse when he was at his best was that heart pounding adrenalin action. Thats where he out does someone like Scott who is much better at slow developing world building. I guess I would say Scott is more of a thinker while Cameron is more of a "Get it Done" type. To me he peaked at Abyss in terms of depth but it has flaws and Alien is still a better film. Cameron was trying harder in the Abyss to be a more complete filmmaker though so I give him credit. Since then its been all downhill for him IMO. Scotts best film achievement will always be Bladerunner but he has a lot of other excellent work.. Alien, Gladiator, Blackhawk Down (Which is VERY Cameron like in ways). Ridley Scott is very overlooked in terms of all time great directors when you go through his filmography. He blows people like Nolan away and I put him well above people like Spielberg. Scott is basically THE Maverick director of his generation IMO and hes not even my favorite but he deserves a LOT more respect and credit for what he accomplished outside of just Alien.


I agree with you newts, for me it's Alien by a landslide.


I like both.
