Why does Aunty let Max live?

Is it because:

a) she sees him as a "kindred spirit" and respects him in spite of also resenting him?

b) she no longer views him as a threat?

c) she figures someone else will eventually finish him off, so why waste the effort?


could be all of the above but i go with a.


Why not? The desert is a boring place.


I came her to ask this. She wasn’t even mad about Mel Gibson’s tribe of kids taking the Master dwarf away. Tina turner should have at least been angry and tried to kill or capture Mel. Seemed kinda cack-handed writing.


All the above can and maybe do apply.

Though she says "Ain't we a pair..." which to me gave the impression she recognizes Max did everything to protect the children yet is left with nothing, while she also did everything for Bartertown ("I'll do anything to protect it") yet is also left with nothing now that it's destroyed. Killing him now wouldn't change anything so out of an odd form of respect she lets him live.



Aunty is, first and foremost, a pragmatist; killing Max would gain her nothing at that point. Plus, after all they put one another through she has come to see Max as a fellow "survivor," and therefore to feel a measure of respect, however grudging, towards him.
