MovieChat Forums > The Neverending Story (1984) Discussion > They don't make dark, dangerous kids mov...

They don't make dark, dangerous kids movies these days

File it under the wussification of America, but in the 80's kids movies were frequently dark, dangerous, and sometimes scary.

Never Ending Story, Gremlins, Return to Oz, Monster Squad

Nowadays ever single kid's movie is just warm, fuzzy, and happy.

I sound like a grumpy old man I'm sure, but I'm in my 30's and I definitely think we are doing kids a major disservice in how much we over "protect" them these days.


I never saw this movie as really dark. A tad mysterious and hopeful. That no matter what, you have strength within yourself.


Super 8 was a great throwback, but aside from that...yeah, you're right


Yes, I feel both kids and adults could enjoy a movie like this. But as an adult if I were to watch a kids movie from today I would cringe.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!



True. There need to be more movies like this made that aren't afraid to go dark.

Like Killian Jones, I believe in good form. But like Capt Hook, I also believe in having fun.


Check out Coraline, it's pretty dark and scary.


I agree. We watched movies like this (although I never saw Monster Squad) and we turned out just fine. Add Dark Crystal to the list as well.


I agree.

IMO the only good kids movies of the 2000's are the Harry Potter films.
