only 8.1?

T2 is 8.6

Alien is 8.5. Aliens 8.4

Terminator is to Alien (SciFi Horror) what T2 is to Aliens (SciFi Action) and the first is the superior, so logically T1 should have the higher rating like 8.7


Watched it for the first time during the covid lockdowns. Along with Alien.

Genuinely amazed how well both of them hold up. And I definitely agree that The Terminator deserves a higher rating.

The film is excellent!


Aliens is better than Alien.

Terminator 2 is better than The Terminator.

However, I'm also confused about the 8.1/10 rating. T1 was rated way higher than this some years ago.


"Aliens is better than Alien."

You have that exactly backwards.

"Terminator 2 is better than The Terminator."

You have that exactly backwards too.


YOU have everything exactly backwards.

Aliens is better than Alien. Fact.

Terminator 2 is better than Terminator. Fact.


"YOU have everything exactly backwards."

Only from the perspective of a simpleton.

"Aliens is better than Alien. Fact."

Aliens is just an action movie, and a boring one at that. It's not even in the same league as Alien.

"Terminator 2 is better than Terminator. Fact."

You're talking about the movie that features a "sensitive" ("I know now why you cry") "Terminator" (who never terminates anyone) who kowtows to the most annoying kid in movie history, played by a non-actor with a lesbian haircut, right? LOL at that.


You are a simpleton, an ignorant and a troll with horrendous taste.

YOU have everything exactly backwards.

Aliens is better than Alien. Fact.

Terminator 2 is better than Terminator. Fact.


"You are a simpleton, an ignorant and a troll with horrendous taste."

Comical Irony Alert

"YOU have everything exactly backwards."

Monkey see, monkey do.

"Aliens is better than Alien. Fact. Terminator 2 is better than Terminator. Fact."

Your mere gainsaying is dismissed, and since you didn't address anything I said, your tacit concession is noted.


You are a simpleton, an ignorant and a troll monkey with horrendous taste.

YOU have everything exactly backwards.

Aliens is better than Alien. Fact.

Terminator 2 is better than Terminator. Fact.

You just got humiiated and lost at bombastic levels. Concession noted.


Based on your preference for Aliens over Alien, and especially your preference for T2 over The Terminator, I knew you were dumb, but these laughable replies of yours, consisting of nothing but mere assertions, repeating yourself (mere gainsaying), and copying things I've said ("monkey see, monkey do") have demonstrated that you're substantially dumber than I originally imagined.

In any case, you tacit concession remains noted, and since I don't want any more notifications of worthless, air-headed replies from a dullard who doesn't know how to argue, you're now on ignore.


You are a simpleton, an ignorant and a dumb troll monkey with horrendous taste.

YOU have everything exactly backwards.

Aliens is better than Alien. Fact.

Terminator 2 is better than Terminator. Fact.

You just got humiiated and lost at bombastic levels. Concession noted.


T1 is a different movie from T2. T2 is a popcorn blockbuster movie. These tend to get a lot higher scores. T1 is horror, and as such it has a fantastic score, probably because some of the T2 idiots saw it as well. All sequels are based on T2. I wish someone would revisit T1 and that r-rated universe instead. I love both alien and T1 equally, but alien is technically a masterpiece, while T1 is more low budget.
