MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Hydraulic Press makes no sense

Hydraulic Press makes no sense

I know, it's an 'iconic' scene, very cool and all, but there are a few problems that show that the scene makes no sense.

First, as a smaller note, there seems to be a powerful light coming from outside the screen, off-camera, pointed at the robot remains when the press starts working to flatten the damn thing. The lightning bolts never seem to generate light for some reason.

Second, and much bigger thing - WHY does the robot look like it's made out of clay, silly-putty or some other VERY SOFT material?

It's supposed to be 'fully armored, very tough', which indicates STRONG metal, futuristically strong!

Any HARD substance would not just flatten like that, think about even something as easy to break as ice cubes. If you replace the robot with a few large ice cubes that together are about the same size (or just one large icecube), do you think it would just FLATTEN like that?

No, it would BREAK and basically EXPLODE to smaller pieces, in any case, it would _CRACK_!

This 'tough metal' robot doesn't crack, it just flattens like it's made out of the softest material possible. Even a balloon would pop, even a boiled egg would at least crack to pieces, but not this touch metal, it won't crack at all, it just becomes flat, like it's made out of modeling clay or something.

This makes NO sense whatsoever.


Perhaps because it's an almost 40 year old film. Imagine seeing Metropolis in the early 80's and complaining that some of the effects looks horrible compared to that new cool Star Wars flick that came out a couple of years ago.

Fuck man, even Avatar looks dated AF today.

Old movie looks old, stay tuned for more on that story. In other news; scientists claims water to be wet and... *checks notes* ice to be cold. More on that as the story progresses.


No, it would BREAK and basically EXPLODE to smaller pieces, in any case, it would _CRACK_!

Only if it were thorough-hardened steel, which would be pretty poor material for a terminator. Non-hardened iron and steel, as well as tempered steel and any number of industrial alloys, would not explode or crack.

It is only the coating on the hammer that cracks - the metal itself does indeed look like it's behaving like clay under the hydraulic press.


1. because things are lit for mood, imagery, effect and symbolism. it can reflect the psychology of a character. or highlight a certain aspect of the shot. its almost never done for realism

2. based off how long it took Sarah to Crawl through it that press is MASSIVE. at least 16 feet across. have you ever seen what a time 2X2 foot press can do?

3. it wasnt even completely went from its widest part of the skull say 7 inches if im being generous to being pressed 1 1/2 to 2 inches. no the metal would act exactly like how we saw it.


It would explode into thousand pieces if the whole volume was metal so that it can't compress into a smaller volume, but since there's a lot of air inside the skeleton, it only gets compressed into a smaller cube. Think how car crushing works:
