Uzi 9mm...

Yeah, you can't walk into a gun store and buy a submachine gun.



Maybe you could in 1984.


Nah, not a 'real' one. You could get an Uzi 'Pistol' style with an extended barrel that was semi auto though. I'm sure a patient cyborg could saw off the barrel & fiddle with the sear to allow full auto usage.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


Nope, you couldn't in 1984. The automatic weapon restrictions came about from the gang violence created by prohibition.


wrong. in 1984 it was still legal to go into a gunstore and get a full auto uzi with a 200$ dollar tax stamp. it wasnt until 1986 were the libtards banned new full autos. u can still legally buy a pre banned 1986 uzi today if u have 200$ for the tax stamp and another 10k or more for the gun. the grandfathered guns are worth very much today because they are still legal for civilian ownership. back in 1984 new machine guns where still being made and sold in gunstore, the good old days...


"in 1984 it was still legal to go into a gunstore and get a full auto uzi with a 200$ dollar tax stamp."

Yeah, after filling out paperwork and waiting for the ATF to do an exhaustive background check and bureaucracy in general, which takes several months, often a year or more. Additionally, California has its own "machine gun" laws; you need a "Dangerous Weapons Permit," (which is rarely granted) in addition to complying with NFA '34. So even if he was an NFA dealer, no one is getting a full-auto from him easily and in a reasonable amount of time, not legally anyway. Granted, the Terminator ended up stealing those guns, but before that, the owner was ready to sell them to him, and only said that there was a 15-day wait on the handguns.


ah, this explains why the guy on "Demolition Ranch" youtube channel paid about 10k for an Uzi at auction the other day - i thought it was a little expensive.


Yes you can.
Did your parents have any children that lived?


Anyone know what kind of gun the other automatic was?

I remember the 45 long slide, 12 gauge auto loader, Uzi 9mm and phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range but what's the other weapon


The rifle? It's this:

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


No I think he's referring to the larger machine gun like the T2 arcade game's controllers were shaped like. He has that small Uzi and he has this other larger version of that. But having watched this quite a few times I don't think they show him getting it in the gun store.

Green Goblin is great!


The Armalite was the larger rifle, used in the police station assault. He picked it up in the gun store, but no, we don't see him handling it. As for the T2 arcade game, the guns are based on the plasma weapons we see the endoskeletons using at the beginning of T2, just sized down to about the size of an Uzi.

"It was Shnoke. He shedushed our shon to the Dark Shide"


Yes you can in the world where cyborgs and killer computers exist.

Love sports? Play on FanDuel


Americans discussing what calibre of machine gun can and cannot be purchased over the counter. At the end of the day I guess the only problem for the rest of us is that they take this mentality overseas in repeated invasions. Accompanied by declarations of benign intent. Producing death tolls that would make Himmler blush.

--They create a desert and call it order--


"Americans discussing what calibre of machine gun can and cannot be purchased over the counter."

No machine gun can be purchased over the counter, not since 1934. Also, since 1934 there are no documented instances of a citizen committing a violent crime with a legally-owned machine gun.


Yeah, you can't walk into a gun store and buy a submachine gun.


Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.




You've never been to Collector's Firearms in Houston, eh? The place is a firearms Mecca, known across the city. If you have the money (and time for the forms), you can walk in and purchase a fully-automatic rifle or submachine gun. I don't know how long it takes to clear, or how much the ATF Class 3 "stamp" costs, but they're there. Here's an old MAC-10 they sold:

I visit there about once a year, because it's way on the other side of town from me, but it's cool to visit and hold the new stuff. Lots of great cutlery and old swords, too, but I usually just shop there, and buy online, because they're well-known for being pricey. I sold an HK VP70 there in the 90's and didn't shop around well enough, later finding out I'd been gouged pretty well.

"It was Shnoke. He shedushed our shon to the Dark Shide"


You can buy it but you can't walk out with it. Class III Tax Stamps take about 6 months to process and you cannot transfer the firearm without the tax stamp.


Allow to quote the Terminator.


You can when Dick Miller is running it, and he's even kind enough to leave live ammo on the counter.


This is the thing that bothers me maybe the MOST about this movie.

WHY would a machine, a terminator, BOTHER to say -anything- before shooting its victim? Let alone an ARGUMENT? What does it hope to accomplish by this? Oh wait, a machine can't HOPE. You see the problem?

A machine would just do what its programming says, take the gun, load it, shoot, etc. It's inefficient to utter a useless word to someone that's not going to be able to appreciate this message for more than 0.5 seconds.


It's said because it's cool. Personally, I think Arnold saying wrong in Commando is cooler.


it said it to blend in and look human


The Terminator has to look human before killing someone even though it's alone?


programed too yes.


I guess you are sort of right but though it's cool, I don't think saying, "Wrong!" is something a person wanting to steal guns from a gunstore would say. They'd have just shot him without saying anything. Also just a random question but did FOID cards not exist in 1984? Cause if so, the gunstore owner shouldn't have even taken all those guns off the shelf for him. Then again as others pointed out leaving ammo on the counter is kind of a dumb thing for the owner of the store to do.


It's a self aware machine. It can do stuff we can only dream of.


you can't walk into a gun store and buy a submachine gun

Well there goes my suspension of disbelief. Everything else in the film was so plausible too.
I Excel and Prevail


Uzi 9mm...
image for user Elephantlips
by Elephantlips
» Sun Apr 24 2016 10:23:22 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2013
Yeah, you can't walk into a gun store and buy a submachine gun.


Apparently in their reality you could.
