Samantha going with Jake

Samantha getting into Jake's car with him and her dad is okay with that. She didn't really know him except for seeing him around school and her dad had never even met him. It just boggles my mind, but the movie was definitely fun to watch, flaws and all.


I agree, that was just weird, especially since it was her sister's wedding day. The dad even seemed to signal that the guy was quite a catch.


And we of course know that Jake is a good guy, so it doesn't matter.


We can't be entirely sure about that either, but her dad certainly has no idea.


I see your point, but what else could he do? Run up to Jake's car (and he needed to be quick cuz Samantha and Jake were in a real hurry) and stop Samantha? That would have been awkward as hell. All he knew was that she was crazy about this guy, and after everyone had forgotten her Birthday, he might've felt like he owed her this one.

Yes, in real life that's a huge risk but this is after all a movie where silly and questionable things happen and aren't given a second thought (e.g., Duk hilariously crashes gramps automobile into another couples car and no one seems to care). Call it part of the whole movie's not giving an F attitude... oooh does that bring a smile to the "back in the good ol' days" crowd haha... although in Jake’s defense he probably looked acceptable to Sam’s dad.


"lake, big lake"

With everything going on what was he going to do. Tell her no. Especially after their talk.
How could he stop her from going out with an oily beau hunk?


Her dad could see how he opened the door and helped her into it, see how he was dressed, how he carried himself, and the car he drove. Also, Sam seemed happy to be with him, and her dad may trust her judgement — certainly more than her sister’s.

Put all that together, then contrast it with the scumbag his other daughter just married, and I can see why he might not be too bothered.


She had already talked to her dad about Jake, so it didn't come out of nowhere. She did that cute "this is the guy" thing. He said he didn't worry about her like the sister. Her dad gets it.
