Ennio Morricone’s score

One of the most beautiful scores in the history of cinema. Simply breaktaking, music that can bring tears to the eyes.


Morricone is responsible for some of the most beautiful music in cinema history. Everything he does is (the ecstasy of) gold.


He is a master. The scores to this and The Mission, in particular, give me goosebumps.




of course. he was a master of his craft.



It was a beautiful score, but one complaint I have about Morricone's scores is that some of them sound very similar. If you've seen the 1997 version of Lolita, the score is almost indistinguishable from OUATIA at some points. These are very different films. There should be some originality in the score.


I never saw the 1997 version of Lolita but do see your point in general. It’s the case with so many film composers… I guess they have a ‘style’ and familiarity can slip into their work at times, however hard even a great composer like Morricone would try to make each score unique.
