MovieChat Forums > The King of Comedy (1982) Discussion > Why did Jerry kick Rupert out of his hou...

Why did Jerry kick Rupert out of his house?

He was very enthusiastic about his tape and invited him at his country house, but then he gets angry and asks him to leave. Was this some sort of joke, why did he do this?


Wow.. we're you actually asleep when you watched The movie?

Jerry didn't invite was another one of Ruperts fantasies.


Jerry didn't invite was another one of Ruperts fantasies.

Well, it wasn't very clear what was real and what wasn't.
Was Rupert aware of this or did he genuinely believe Jerry invited him to his house?


It's hard to say. He acts like he expects Jerry to know him, so maybe it was real to him.


it's like a rorschach test & you failed it


He chose to believe that Jerry invited him because he is a narcissistic fantasist.
