bossk stands at the edge of the platform to make him look like a bad ass

it seems it was done for this reason because you can tell it’s just prop legs standing there during certain lower shots. the actor probably would have fallen over the edge. they could have just had him stand further back.


And how does that make him look like a bad ass?


cause he stands close to the edge. it’s dangerous.


Yeah, that dangerous 6ft fall would kill him. He probably overheard the officer calling bounty hunters Scum and wanted to intimidate him.


Good point! When I first saw this movie, I always thought Bossk is standing on the edge to allow the shot of the imperial officer looking up at him, thus presenting him as a menacing presence. The shot of the officer looking up provides an interesting juxtaposition, a meeting of two worlds.

On one hand, you have the world of the imperial officer which is grey, dull, strict and regulated. He has his uniform and protocols he must follow. On the other hand you have the freedom of the bounty hunter. Bossk answers to no one, does not need a uniform, does not abide to any protocols, and can waltz in to anywhere - even to an Imperial Star Destroyer - with his bare feet. The shot is way more effective with his feet in the shot when the officer looks up at him.


I dont remember the scene but it reminds me of that shot where theres a rebel soldier lookout stood in a little tiny "crows nest" on the top of a telegraph pole surveying a green forest (so may not have been ep5) , I bet his jobs been replaced by a camera later on!
