Why couldn't they make more Star Wars movies like this one?

This is my favorite, they really created fantastic worlds: The ice planet Hoth, inside the Asteroid, The Swamp Planet Dagobah, The FREAKING FLOATING CLOUD CITY Bespin,
It was all very linear, they went from place to place and had an unforgettable adventure in each one of them. I didn't ever buy into the worlds in ROTJ and the newer movies are terrible.
Why couldn't they keep making great Star Wars movies like Empire Strikes Back?


I think trying to be like Empire is what failed some of the later films. Attack of the Clones tries to make Anakin and Padme have the same romance as Han and Leia but it doesn’t work; same goes for Obi-Wan’s asteroid chase and the lightsaber duel with Dooku. The Last Jedi tries to make Luke and Rey’s training on par with Yoda and Luke’s training in Empire but fails there too; same goes for the wannabee Hoth sand-planet battle


As said in this thread Empire is one of those perfect stars align miracle movies its impossible to recapture.. They tried with the other 'middle chapter' episodes Clones and Last Jedi and even Force Awakens abit with the whole Han/Kylo stuff but they just can't pull it off.

Its like Star Trek movies kept trying to recapture the magic of The Wrath of Khan in most of the Trek sequels with the 'khan like villains' out for revenge but especially Generations, Nemesis, Into Darkness (as had the death of a major character ending too).. they couldn't come close and always felt forced and paled in comparison to Wrath (also see the destruction of the Enterprise done so perfectly and majestically in Trek III done again to much less effect in Generations and Beyond)


If they were all as good as Empire Strikes Back it might be the best film series in history.
