MovieChat Forums > Moonraker (1979) Discussion > Not just the worst Bond movie

Not just the worst Bond movie

but also the worst movie of all time. Roger Moore is too geriatric, I think he might have died on the movie set and been revived or his son stepped in to finish the movie. The villain is a parody of a Bond villain, the whole idea that somebody could build a space station that nobody realized was a threat is ridiculous. But the worst of all, the thing which absolutely ruins the movie is the "Jaws" romance with the pigtailed girlie. If you see this movie, you will lose 10 IQ points. You have been warned.


i like it. And Roger moore was in his early 50s when he made it, hardly geriatric. there are many bond films worse than Moonraker.


There is one worse Bond Film: Die Another Day. The biggest turkey of them all, a 4/10. I give Moonraker a below average, "has its moments" rating of 5/10. It's on a par with other 5/10 Bondies like "A View to a Kill" (rescued from being the worst by a great, campy opening sequence) and The Man With the Golden Gun.


I like The man with the Golden Gun as well. Great fun. i don't see the point of serious Bond films myself.



Moonraker is the silliest, most cartoonish Bond movie. But I can watch it again and again because it's such fun. So opulent to look at and so skillfully mounted but unpretentious and entertaining. When I go shopping for a Bond movie on Blueray format, I'd certainly choose Moonraker over any of the Bond movies of Daniel Craig or Pierce Brosnan.


Agreed. It's good. Silly and campy yet entertaining and fun. Not one of the best for sure but much better than all the Brosnan efforts bar Goldeneye of course. I really like Brosnan as Bond, just a shame the ones they made for him are terrible. Probably better than all the forgettable Craig ones as well, they are *beep*


Craig's Bond films are so overrated IMO



Nonsense, Moonraker ROCKS. Best pre-credits sequence (skydive with no parachute!), a string of series-best action scenes - cable car, boat chase over waterfall, giant snake, agonising g-force torture, gondola hovercraft, brutal chain fight, insane epic space battle, nail-biting ending in which Bond has to operate a crumbling space shuttle to laser three deadly-gas-globes before they hit Earth and kill millions.

It's full of neat flourishes too, like Bond taking out the assassin at the bird shoot. 'You missed, Mr Bond'...*thunk*...'Did I?' Amazing. Also what about the gas lab switcheroo in which M (in Bernard Lee's splendid final performance) and co rock up in gas masks. Drax's Rottweilers who only eat when he commands with a click of his fingers, who he uses to munch real life pornstar Corinne Clery.

Barry's score is INCREDIBLE, especially when they enter space. Sure it's nuts, but who cares when you're seeing the grandeur of the cosmos in sumptuous slow-mo to Barry's soaring, epic melody. The imagery and atmosphere are breathtaking.

Drax is constantly hilarious: 'Can I press you to a cucumber sandwich?', 'My finely wrought dream approaches its fulfilment', 'Dr Goodhead your desire to be the first woman in space will shortly be fulfilled, allow me to introduce you to the airlock chamber...'

Goodhead is hot and intelligent, without being stroppy and annoying. A perfectly balanced Bond girl that men can appreciate and won't have feminists lighting their tampon fuses.

And finally, 'I think he's attempting re-entry, sir'

That's right, Moonraker is one of the most enjoyable 2 hours you can spend in front of a screen. Rodge is at his peak in this film which sits right in the middle of his reign as the ultimate British man.


It is very bad.

Not the worst movie by any stretch, but I understand your sentiment.



I loved it, one of the best bond movies. haters keep you hate to yourselves

sign. yeah you read that.


It's certainly at or near the bottom for Bond films. But if you think that this is the worst film of all time, you haven't watched a lot of movies. I'm sure if I gave myself enough time, I could come up with at least a dozen, maybe 2 dozen worse films, a couple of which came out just this year. But considering that you posted this in 2013, that would be cheating.

Among worsts for this film -- it has a couple of the worst Bond villains (granted, I know that Jaws has a cult following, but I've never liked him), the Bond actor that is the greatest departure from Fleming's creation, the worst, least thought-out evil plot (what the hell were they thinking???), had the dumbest Bond vehicle (the gondola), one of the worst scripts (though "A Quantum of Solace" may give this one a run for its money), and as you noted, one of the worst Bond performances (though to Moore's defense, I read that he was ill when it was being filmed). On the plus side, it did not dress Bond up like a clown, had a Bond girl that had some competency, and it did not include Britt Ekland (who played one of the worst, least competent, least likable, least compelling Bond girls ever).


Roger Moore is fun and funny, but he doesn't REALLY fit in the mold of what Fleming had for 'James Bond' character, the way Sean Connery iconized that role.

The villain is so monotone, so boring, so lackluster, they might as well call him 'Mr. Valium' instead of 'Mr. Drax'.

No charisma, no screen presence, no one will even remember him. If you ask someone that hasn't seen this movie for a few years what the villain is like, they won't be able to immediately recall this guy.

However, if you ask about 'A View to a Kill', Christopher Walken immediately comes to people's mind.

The 'Bond does Star Wars-ripoff' is a bit corny, but I don't mind it, as I like space stuff. It's good that they try something different instead of the old, tired 'spying game' we've already seen so movies about.

This is a typical Bond movie, despite the weird ending - in the end, it's not that much worse than the others, except it's a little bit more boring, maybe. It does have splendid cinematography (if that's the word), gorgeous locations well shot. Roger's Bond is a bit harder to buy as the 'charismatic womanizer', as he doesn't seem to have the balls to do what Connery's Bond did (slapping women on their árse, while saying 'man talk' is something Roger's Bond would never dare do), so he comes off as more weak.

Bond is supposed to be 'ruthless', and that's what women love about him - but Roger's bond never comes off that way, he's more like some 'polite aristocrat' with dry sense of humor, than 'ruthless field operative' with lots of actual power (over women, for one thing).

Roger's Bond doesn't seem to be able to 'take control of the situation' quite as effectively and charismatically, as Connery's Bond can. There's an unspoken 'confidence factor' in Connery's performance, that's lacking from Roger's.

It's not the worst movie, or even the worst Bond movie... to me, it's pretty typical; the story follows the same formula as the other stories.


There's a big villain with underground lair (although part of it is 'space lair' in this one), lots of 'attractive women Bond has sex with', some minor villains chasing after Bond and failing to kill him, lots of 'unnamed personnel' in a 'tech-filled facility'... the usual Bond stuff.

The ending takes place in space, but other than that, there's nothing that unique about this movie that would separate it from other Bond movies all that much, in good or in bad. It's still good Bond-entertainment, as long as you don't expect too much. Though why people would suddenly move in slow motion just because there's no gravity, is beyond me.

(Although I suspect NASA's 'official footage' had something to do with it..)

Wow, I just realized there's a part in the music score that's exactly like a part in Twin Peaks music, when Bond and her female companion are in the space shuttle, traveling towards the base, just before we see the quick 'sunset' and way before they arrive.


YOLT is the worst Bond film.


Both of you are wrong. Moonraker and YOLT may not be cinematic masterworks, but as James Bond movies, they're very entertaining. Unlike the Craig Bond movies, neither of those movies have ever put me to sleep.


That's valid. I tried three times to get past the first 15 minutes of Austin Powers: Goldmember II, I mean Spectre!


Yeah, I didn't get very far in that one before falling asleep.
