MovieChat Forums > Annie Hall (1977) Discussion > Were they ever a good couple?

Were they ever a good couple?

I think she was into getting an ugly funny pseudo intellectual loser (with a stereotypical jewish baggage on him), but once into the game, she didn't really enjoy playing it.

He is into her (because at least, come on, he's lucky to be with anybody just look at him, and she's out of his league) but maybe realizes he's not up to par, or that she's a bit boring? I don't know what she lacks for him but there is clear disappointment from him.
Probably he just got bored of being in a relationship after a bit of routine.

Anyway, it's a romantic story, I love this movie, but from start to finish their affair is not what a couple of lovers looks like, ever.


At least Alvi nailed her. Getting laid counts with Jewish people. It's like how did he get her? ? ? can he lick his forehead? Ladies like that.


Ahah, funny how this Jewish friend I had in college could touch his nose with his tongue.
He was the ugliest man I've ever met, but he was very proud of his tongue and said that that is why girls love him.
And his favorite director was Woody Allen.


I think they did have a good relationship. We see it on the beach (the "I luff you" thing) and with hunting the lobsters. We see it here and there. I think it's there enough to show that they had something but just grew apart.


This time I don't agree with you Ace.
That cutsey stuff happens with every person on earth that spends some time together.
I bet Lorena Bobbitt had lots of those moments with her husband before chopping him off.

Something is there even with your worse enemy. Let alone amongst two grownups having sex and spending lots of time together. They are not monsters, you will find in the other one something you can appreciate.
I'm sure they loved each other, at least a little bit, and they loved the idea of being with each other, but other than that, they were so wrong for each other that I would never consider this a good relationship.


Fair enough, and you raise good points. I suppose they never did have a super-successful, healthy, and deep relationship all at the same time. I do agree that they clearly loved each other and being with each other. Maybe at first they had a shot, but her trajectory made it impossible.

Yeah, I see your points, though, about their relationship never really settling into a good one.


I think they're the sort of people who have so much in common, that wherever they were in the world, anyone who knew both them would try to fix them up! I mean they're both very bright and over-educated, both highly neurotic and determined not to let analysis really change anything, both witty and vulnerable and sexier than you first assume, both so firmly ensconced in the liberal-arts bubble that they could only get serious about a fellow member, both with that odd combination of low self-esteem and a high opinion of themselves. I can definitely see them getting together, in any time and place.

And I can also see them breaking up after a while, in any time and place, because they are both neurotic, self-obsessed, and prone to freaking out over the least little thing.


They were a good couple in the scene where they're chasing the lobsters around! When the same scene is repeated with a new woman later in the film, Alvy realizes he's in a hopeless new romance since she doesn't laugh while chasing lobsters.
