August again....

It's hard to believe that 48 years have passed since these murders. Incredible!
Charlie is still sitting in prison very much alive. There just is no justice.


This TV-movie has been on my mind and not only because of the anniversary of Tate-LaBianca. I just saw The Stunt Man (1980) for the first time in years. It is impossible to watch Stunt Man's lead Steve Railsback in any role without thinking of his creepy performance as Manson in the '76 movie. It is not my favorite Manson, however. That distinction would go to Bob Odenkirk for his 100% accurate performance of Manson in several sketches of The Ben Stiller Show in '92.


Really? The Ben Stiller Show...... Now I have to see that!


You can find all the Manson sketches from Ben Stiller Show on Youtube. Odenkirk gets why a lot of people find Manson hilarious.


I will definitely check it out! Can't believe I missed those! Thanks.


You're right Miss Margo, but I AM hoping for some justice for Charlie and his Family in the afterlife.

Well at least Susan Atkins left prison in a pine box (eight years ago) after a bout with brain cancer . I saw a news clip of her family asking for "mercy". They wanted Susan to be released from prison to die at home with them.

What nerve! Too bad little Susie didn't have any mercy for Sharon Tate and her unborn son when she stabbed her to death.

It is sickening that these creepy killers have gone on to have lives in prison; Charlie playing his music and getting letters and countless gifts from groupies, the "girls" getting their college degrees, Tex Watson getting married and having FOUR children!

The latter really sickens me. Tex shot down 18 year old Steven Parent like a rabid dog. The boy never had a chance to grow up and have children of his own. Now Tex is "born again" and has a prison ministry. Pardon me while I barf!


Understandable that you feel this way. I think that none of the Manson Family should ever be let out of prison. I don't think that Manson himslef will be, but there is a chance that some of the 'girls' will be. Atkins was not, and while I commend the life she had reportedly led in prison, I also felt that neither she nor any of the Famiily should ever be let out, as their crimes were so horrific that releasing them would be a travesty of justice.

Susan Atkins died where she belonged: in prison.


One of the "girls" did get paroled. While she did do well, I still find that sickening. I do not care about how long ago this took place or how well any of them had done over the years. I can't help wondering what the lives of their victims might have been!
These misfits were slated to die before the laws changed in California. For that little unborn baby who never even had a chance in life, none of them deserves a chance at life. That dosn't even cover the productive lives of their victims and the lives of the families and loved ones who had to live with the sad loss for the rest of their lives.
As for Tex Watson's kids, I feel for them. It's got to be hard on them if it is known what their father did. Marrying someone while in prison is sick in my opinion.... producing children is just downright insane!
That guy and thousands like him are only "Born Again" because they are stuck in prison.
I have to wonder just how many of these scums of the earth would still find God if they were out here free.
One thing is sure.... Charlie hasn't found God in all these years. He is true to form. From the recent televised parole hearing, he seems happy in his natural habitat..... prison.


Boy Miss Margo, this is one of those cases which sets my teeth on edge about our criminal "justice" system! I understand that a lot of people are against capital punishment. I would be too, if, IF, it meant that such evil killers would actually spend LIFE behind bars and not come up for parole every few years!

Sharon's mother, Mrs. Doris Tate, attended all those parole hearings, pleading that her daughter's killers be kept behind bars. I actually saw a clip of her on youtube talking to Tex Watson. She addressed him as "Mr. Watson" and asked him what mercy he showed her daughter. I cannot believe she was able to hold it together and be so civil. If it were my child's murderer, they would have to hold me back from leaping across the table and tearing his throat out!

I read that little Paul Richard Polanski was buried in his mother's arms. To this day, it still makes me cry. And all the other young victims too. But, oh no, some of the Manson gang "got saved" and got college degrees, so let's let them out. It makes me furious.


Yup! And they call that Justice!


I remember the crime and this movie, which I enjoyed watching.

Equally disturbing and horrific to me were the Jeffrey MacDonald murders six months later. The basis of his defense appeared to be a copycat version of the Tate/ La Bianca murders, i.e. it had been a home invasion by a group of drug-crazed hippies.

He's also still imprisoned, still affirming his innocence and has many supporters who believe his case is a genuine travesty of justice.
