MovieChat Forums > Carrie (1976) Discussion > Good movie, but I find the portrayel of ...

Good movie, but I find the portrayel of Christians offensive

I'm not sure why hollyweird tries to always make Christians look bad or that they are crazy insane ultra super religious nuts etc. the mom in this movie, I KNOW is supposed to be over the top crazy and clearly has mental issues, but they do this ALL THE TIME! in Edward scissorhands, the crazy sheltered lady next door who lives alone being super judgy towards everyone. or in legend of Zorro, the bad guy is a Bible toting gunman who quotes scripture before killing people. or sleepy hollow, another burton movie, makes the pastor, ichabods father, out to be a corrupt murderer, while at the same time making witches look good! what kind of screwy mentality do these people have in Hollywood? i feel like they must be living in a twilight zone reality or something. I mean, what is up with Hollywood making Christians to be out this way in so many "popular" films? hey why don't they do this to muslims or hindu or anyone else? its not only sick, but a total lie.


I've known a lot of Christians, including my entire family when I was a kid and we went to church every Sunday. None of them were insane, fanatical, cruel, bigoted, bullying, Bible-thumping nuts. They were all pretty normal people, with a live-and-let-live attitude. In movies, we just have to accept that Christians and rich men are usually going to be villains.


The really bad people were not Christians, they were FANATICS!!!


I'm not sure why hollyweird tries to always make Christians look bad or that they are crazy insane ultra super religious nuts

Because the people who control Hollywood are not Christians and hate Christians.


They aren’t making all Christians seem bad. Just that one.

I’m Christian but even I recognize there are looneys out there who use religion — of all types — to excuse their psychotic behavior.

In fact, as they say, there are bad apples in every type of groups: race, gender, religion, occupations, politics, etc.

If we ban using their bad actions because of knee jerk reactions that it is inferring everyone in that group acts that way, we won’t be able to produce any more films, shows, books, etc.


Stephen King wasn't making Christians bad. Just Margaret. Heck, Carrie believed in God, and who's to say the other characters in the movie didn't?


Who gives a shit.


Maybe youre right, but if it was a normal mom, then there wouldnt be a movie. She actually reminded me of the mother of some Jehova's Witnesses family around here, I went to school with her daughters. They didnt develop psychic powers though, just enormous weight problems and then started sucking everyone's dick for free.
