MovieChat Forums > Jaws (1975) Discussion > Notice something new every time

Notice something new every time

I've seen Jaws more than 100 times, I'd say, but I always spot something new with each viewing. One time it was Quint not having a life jacket for himself at the end, the most recent was the noticeable bite marks on Ben Gardner's boat on top. What things have u noticed on repeat viewings? Maybe it's another one I haven't.


Just watching with the sound off- a great way to appreciate the visual details- I it's amazing how much of the Orca is made of rebar.

Also just noticed that when Quint goes around the side while Hooper complains that it's not a shark on the line, he goes right past the killing lances to grab the gaff hook. He didn't think it was a shark, either.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


I just saw it a few weeks ago in a theater and it was the first time I noticed the Tiger Shark that was caught had arrows sticking in it. Can't tell you how many times I have watched it and never caught that. And the first scene with all three of them together and Quint is testing every body's mettle. On a shelf there is a can of Campbells soup. Turkey noodle. Never have seen turkey noodle soup. I want to try it.


I'm watching it now for like the 1000th time and for some reason the subtitles are on. I just noticed right before Chrissie disappears under the water, she's actually screaming "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, God please help" which I actually find really disturbing.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


Her pleading to god is part of the grit that sets that scene well and truly apart from Horror's argh argh errrrrr chew-the-scenery 'death scenes'. The big scare mojo of J is its realism and believability.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


I'm so mad. Netflix sent out a notice that Jaws was available, so I decided to watch it, and was looking forward to one of my favorite scenes, where Quint mocks the kid who is playing a clarinet (Ode to Joy), and for whatever reason, it was cut out of the Netflix version! I checked the run time listed for the Netflix version, and it was 1 minute shorter than the full-length version. I'm wondering if it is because the kid playing the clarinet looked like he could be Jewish? A pretty lame reason to cut a scene, but that's the only reason I can think of. Anyone else have an idea why they cut that little scene?


You may have been watching the original cinematic release, which doesn't have that scene in it?

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


That scene was not in the theatrical release. Added for the network television showing.


Watching it for the 100+ time right now, and never noticed Chief Brody has a dog. A cocker spaniel. The only scene I've seen it in was the scene where Ellen says "Wanna get drunk and fool around?" The dog is sitting on the left side of the screen and staring at the camera the whole time.


It's Spielberg's dog. It also makes a cameo in Close Encounters as Richard Dreyfuss's toupee.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


Like you, I’ve seen JAWS many times yet I still find new things. One really cool thing I noticed recently is during the estuary attack. We see Brody running along the rocks toward the pond, then the shot cuts back to the pond and we see the dorsal fin cutting through the water. I’ve always looked at the fin, but recently I glanced around the screen and noticed - on the upper left - you see Brody and the others running along the rocks. It’s a neat bit of continuity.


I saw JAWS yesterday on the IMAX screen and it was glorious. I did notice something that I can’t believe I never noticed before. Just after Alex Kintner is attacked, a man on the beach begins to point and stand up. He says, “Did you see that?” I’d never noticed that Mrs. Kintner is laying on the beach, right behind him, reading a book. Still not sure how I never noticed her right to there.


Took me 30 years to see that at the end, when the credits start and the camera just films across the beach, you can see Brody and Hooper paddling in the distance towards the shore.

Blew my mind when I first saw it.


I was just rewatching the scene where Brody was running through town and right before we see the hot realty woman, we see the white picket fence with half the tops broken off, from the kid's karate class.
