MovieChat Forums > Earthquake (1974) Discussion > For those who saw this in the theatre

For those who saw this in the theatre

Did your seats actually rumble during the earthquake scenes? I saw a documentary that said theaters at the time had that special effect.


Indeed they did, the sensurround system took up the entire front row of seats iirc...


yes they did....and Heston was 2 of them, the other one is TORA TORA


or it might be MIDWAY


I saw this in a theater that shared a wall with a liquor store. They had to remove their bottles from the common wall otherwize they would fall off during the earthquake scenes.


I saw it in an L.A. theater during its first run. In the earthquake scenes, there was a very deep, loud bass rumble from the sound system, synchronized with the seats vibrating. I don't know how they did it. I suppose it was supposed to be scary, but the audience laughed.
