MovieChat Forums > Death Wish (1974) Discussion > When the Heroin, and later the Crack use...

When the Heroin, and later the Crack use went up-so did the CRIME!

WHY do folks always FORGET that little connection?! There were Always a LITTLE drugs in the Big Cities, but from the late Fifties on it got Much Worse! Who profited?? The Syndicates, and some corrupt cops. Meanwhile, the little old ladies started getting mugged, the burglaries skyrocketed, along with car stripping, prostitution, etc. etc. Not to mention all the hepatitis and AIDS from the dirty needles.

What to DO?!?

Legalize drugs for all addicts over eighteen years of age. I'm all For offering rehab, suboxone and/or methadone but come on!!

countries that made drugs available to addicts do not HAVE near as many problems!

And the rapists and gang bangers? SURE nail their asses. But ending the drug war drops crime and makes this easier to do.



It's happening..lots of places consider drug addiction a medical problem requiring medical solutions not punishment. Think it resulted from oxy-addiction. Lots of folks next door hooked and dying of overdoses. Glad it's finally happening.


It's happening..lots of places consider drug addiction a medical problem requiring medical solutions not punishment.

It's not a medical condition, it's a choice. People are dying every day from cancer and heart disease, and they don't have the choice of simply stopping the sickness by sheer change of their self abuse.

But I'm not without compassion. Build a huge complex somewhere out in the unoccupied area of the midwest. Let any drug addict move there and provide them with food, water, and any drugs in any amount they desire. Build one room barracks for each one. They could stay or leave if they choose. Give them the opportunity for rehabilitation if they decide to get clean. Otherwise, get them off the streets.


The crime and gangland violence are not because of the drugs, but because the drugs are illegal.

The same thing (terrible crime wave) happened with alcohol Prohibition, and ended when it was relegalized. Liquor companies don't have drive-by shootings anymore over turf.

But drug gangs do. Because the drugs are illegal, disputes can't be settled in court, and customers aren't protected from tainted products by civil liability and the threat of lawsuits. Most of the overdoses are not from intentionally taking too much, but from tainted product or product with highly variable potency.


It's kind of a lop-sided argument since not all drugs are equal (alcohol being a drug for example).


Americans have yet to catch on to that banning things doesn't make them go away.
