Better than Halloween?

What do you think?


I think it is a better film, more complex, more disturbing, better acted and directed. I think Donald Pleasance is the best actor in either film but the overall cast in Black Christmas is much better. Black Christmas has a very effective chilling score but Halloween's is maybe the best horror score ever. It's odd to point out but the humor in BC works better, too. The toughest part for me is to choose between the two killers. Which is more effective? I can't really decide because they are both so good and so different. One is an emotionless patient killing machine who we eventually do see unmasked, and we know who he is from the beginning. The psychotic disturbing killer in BC remains a mystery. The scene we see of the killer's eye is surely one of the most chilling scenes in horror film history. We know he is not really in control at all. Both are relatively low budget. Neither film is bloody, or very violent compared to the wave of much more graphic slasher films in the 80s.
So, to answer the question, I think Black Christmas is better than Halloween.


All good points -- it's tough to say one is better than the other.


I think BC has stood the test of time much better than Halloween has.


If I had to choose, I'd go with Halloween by a hair, but only because it created such an iconic character in Michael Myers/The Shape. Black Christmas is definitely better than all the Halloween sequels.


I honestly liked it more than Halloween.


Black Christmas is creepier and eerier. It's also got more laugh out loud moments whilst still maintaining a darker and grimmer tone than Halloween, which is hard to do.

Halloween is more of a popcorn slasher. It's arguably more entertaining and it's a bit lighter and easier to digest which makes it more rewatchable I think.

Black Christmas better, Halloween funner.


Halloween has that iconic score, and The Shape is truly unique. It’s a smart movie that’s dumbed down by the stupid high school smuttiness.

Black Christmas also features a unique - and chilling - killer. The music score isn’t as iconic, but it is doom laden. I think Black Christmas is a smarter movie. It’s hard to choose, but if I had to I’d take Black Christmas.


I don't know about better. overall But DEFINENTLY SCARIER. Halloween at times can come off as a thriller, where as Black Christmas is a very eerie and creepy Horror movie. They both are great. But Black Christmas still holds up today in terms of scary where as Halloween does not I feel. Like them both. But I find Black Christmas better.
