MovieChat Forums > Happy Days (1974) Discussion > The first 39 episodes of Happy Days are ...

The first 39 episodes of Happy Days are great....

.....once it went to studio audience, different sets etc. it began a descent to something lesser. Sure there were still some good episodes but it just got sillier, more and more anachronisms etc. It was almost a different show all together. Still had it's charms I guess.




It continued to be really good until the focus began to noticeably start to shift to Fonzie away from Richie. The original feel of the show was almost completely gone by the time Ron Howard left.
Marion Ross and Tom Bosley were always great, though.


It continued to be really good until the focus began to noticeably start to shift to Fonzie away from Richie

Coincidently, I recently learned of the reason for this, when Anson Williams appeared as a guest on coast to coast am. Anson went on to explain that the show started off with decent enough ratings, but they soon started to decline, and the show was likely to be canceled. It was advised (Sorry, I forgot by whom) that Ron Howard step aside as the shows focus and that Henry Winkler should instead be the main focus. To his credit, Ron Howard graciously stepped aside as the star of the show in an attempt to save it. The ratings went up as predicted, and the show went on for several more seasons as a result. I found the coast to coast link, and have included it below, but unfortunately it doesn’t touch on this particular bit of trivia.


The trio of Richie, Potsie and Ralph Malph at the forefront was one of the best parts of the original show. (With Fonzie as the less visible James Dean-type character.)


The first two seasons were really good and then when it became all about Fonzi, the show went downhill fast. The first year with the live audience was OK, but after that the show was absolutely awful.


A lot of shows evolve like that when they are on a while.

Compare an episode of Seinfeld from one of it's last seasons to it's first two. As the season went on the characters became a lot broader and the plots more absurd.


Yes, it started out pretty good, then gradually became silly and unwatchable. So bad that the phrase "jumped the shark" was coined to mark the moment the show started totally sucking.
