MovieChat Forums > The Wicker Man (1974) Discussion > one question after all these years

one question after all these years

I've seen it probably ten times and the only question I'm left wondering is if the movie went on what happens when the officer doesn't return to the mainland?

A true classic


There's actually a sequel but I haven't seen it.


By the time the mainland followed up, I imagine any trace of Howie would be scrubbed away. The easiest lie would be, "Oh, yeah, he came, he asked around a bit about Rowan. She went missing and we sent him the letter and photo. By the time he got here, though, she was found already, so he left. Other than that, we don't know anything."

They'd have to keep the letter and photo as part of the lie because you can bet your socks that Howie wrote that all down in some report or document before leaving. Best just get out front of the lie. Don't fudge it. At most, they'd ask why write to Howie specifically and you'd need one additional lie from the mother about why she did that. She heard he was the best, maybe, or while she was visiting the mainland awhile back Howie actually helped her find her way around and was polite and just so nice.


I only saw it once and hated just about everything about it, but to each his own. I saw it because it is considered a classic by a lot of horror fans and was extremely disappointed.


"Oh, he left when after he talked to Miss Rowan here. No, not a plane, he got a lift from some Johnny stopping by the dock for beer, feller had a big sailboat, never saw him before..."


"I don't know. He asked around for the whereabouts of young miss Rowan."

No body? No motive? No M.O.? No face?
No footage? No witness? No last bearing or plates?
That's a whole lotta nothing so surely NO CASE!

They'd maybe speculate that he'd drowned or fell off a cliff got washed out to sea.
