MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Do you believe in demons?

Do you believe in demons?

I do, they are very real.


Demonic possession is a complete myth. It's caused my some type of mental illness like schizophrenia or brain tumors. Everyone should know this by now. Demons are not real, nor is God, angels, Satan, Santa Claus, fairies, ghosts, elves or any other supernatural creatures.


Demonic possession is a complete myth

Bald assertion and factual error in one sentence. Possession, "demonic" and otherwise, is a recognized psychiatric and anthropological category. It, and exorcism, are as old as humanity. Whether or not "spirits" lie behind the phenomenon can only be decided on a case-by-case basis, and the determination is reliant on the observer's mindset: a materialist will deny spiritual causation, while a non-materialist may consider spiritual causation, or deny it, depending on how the case "presents".

Demons are not real, nor is God, angels, Satan

Another overconfident bald assertion with zero support offered.

Santa Claus, fairies, ghosts, elves

And...a third overconfident bald assertion with zero support offered. And the chosen language is a tipoff that you are probably a "new" atheist operating from a place of adolescent rebellion. "Fairies" indeed. You left out the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Unicorn, the Imaginary Friend, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But they all share the same core attribute of being your own imaginary "straw God/spirits" which you erroneously think you can invalidate by bald assertion and puerile mockery. Get some adult education on essential religious and spiritual categories and come back armed with that learning, and better luck next time.


Demons are not real, nor is God, angels, Satan

Another overconfident bald assertion with zero support offered.

I'm curious if you have support for the actual existence of these entities?

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


What an arrogant and ignorant fuckwad...


Of course not. There has never been any documented proof of the existence of spirits or demons for a reason.

If you want to believe, then fill your boots. Who am I to tell anyone what to think but to me, the idea of demons and demonic possession is something that belongs in another time. When we didn't understand physical and mental illness. Where convulsions and schizophrenia were only explainable by being caused by external unseen entities.

In my ever so humble opinion, belief in such things does not belong in the 21st century and will hopefully fizzle out over the next few hundred years.


No, I'm an atheist.
Although my mother in law might qualify as the closest thing.

However I find religion to be interesting in a literary sense it's why I've always liked movies (that are decent) with religious aspects to the them like this.

"Make the instant eternal! TIME STOP!"


Another atheist here who does not believe. I would need some hardcore proof where mental illness could be ruled out.


I don't know if I'd classify happenings I've experienced as being caused by demons, but there are definitely entities outside our "realm" (or whatever you choose to call it) who aren't quite happy when or however they manifest.

If I listed the things or told stories of what I've experienced in a certain house on a specific piece of land...over 20 years' time, it would be picked apart and "explained" by who knows how many people here. That's why it's not worth going into. You either know what you've seen/heard and live with it, or you're someone who's never experienced such a happening (or happenings).

It's always going to be a personal thing for people based on individual beliefs, faith, and personal experience. It's an unwinnable argument, but an interesting topic just the same.


If you believe in God and his angels (as I do), conversely you have to believe in Satan and his demons.





I certainly do, most UK schools are infested with them (staff and pupils). Clacton Coastal Academy springs to mind!

But seriously, yes, I do. I think they target churches and schools in order to corrupt people. They target the weak and lonely as well. I've felt them, but never really have been a victim of one, if that makes sense.



I think ordinary human beings are capable of so much evil, stupidity, cruelty, crazy, and rationalization that demons wouldn't be able to compete with us if they existed.


I don't know about demons but I don't believe in demonic possession..
Being bad or evil is a deliberate conscious decision... as far as I'm concerned...based on either genetic or environmental factors. Or both.

Whether you're a believer or an atheist the possession of the soul of an innocent makes zero logical sense. People can be manipulated, lead astray or abused or born with evil intent but they can't be forced against their will.
That makes it seem as if humans have no control over their own choices and behavior.
And they do.
I'd sooner believe in aliens taking over a human body where all consciousness is squashed,,
