MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Who's experienced the bed shaking?

Who's experienced the bed shaking?

I have. It was enough to make my headboard bang against the wall repeatedly. I remained completely still while the bed I was on would move in tiny circles. Very odd to describe. Happened for a year straight every night at bed time when I was 13.

Anyone else?


Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Or maybe it was an earthquake....


For me it was an earthquake, which occurred in a neighboring state. It wasn't as intense as in the movie or as the OP suggests but it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.


It was Five Finger Sally, she's been known to make the beds of many teenage boys shake.


LOL! That would do it!



I have experienced the feeling that someone has sat on the side or the foot of our bed in the past.
Fast forward a few years ago when the city tore up our street and replaced the water and sewer pipes. Then they laid a new street.
No more shaking or feeling of a movement in our bed!
At least not the kind that we didn't make ourselves!
