MovieChat Forums > Dirty Harry (1971) Discussion > Why does he heave his badge at the end?

Why does he heave his badge at the end?

After blasting Scorpio, is he just declaring he is fed up with the system?


...because he was quitting. Of course, the movie then proved to be so popular that a sequel was in order, so.....


hope he had to pay for a new one.

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


Because his superiors ordered him to NOT interfere with the school bus.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


He was fed up with the entire system.


Who cares! He wasted the bad guy with 0 pedestrian casualties and he saved the city $200K


He gave up his badge because he enjoyed killing bad guys so much he would come in his pants

Couldn't do it anymore I reckon


Simply, he figured it was now worthless as he quite likely thought his days of working for San Fran Law Enforcement were over.


Yup...exactly this
Then he returned for 3 or 4 more films...
I think it would have been great if he tossed away his badge at the end of every one of them ;)


I always took it as he realized he stopped being a law enforcement officer and went vigilante at the end, and thus no longer deserved to wear the badge. That seemed to me to be part of his character, being a good cop. But, yeah disgust with the system works equally well.


I think you are right! He was just sick and tired of being a cop.
