MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Easily one of the top three worst movies...

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen.
I am actually ticked off that I just wasted the time to watch this crap.


i am not crazy about it either. and i custom build bikes. .
personally i sick of the "captain america" bike as i have built 4 replicas of it for customers.

i thought the UFO debate was great.


You know Smokey and the Bandit had more plot line than Easy Rider...Not to say one was better than the other but E.R. didn't have any qualities past "a different take on life", or "drug dealer takes trip, he he he"...I expect if only half of the tall tales about the movie were true then it was simly Hollyweird doing their typical Lets pat each other on the back act...No script, running pot party, no actual point to their trip, other than to make a drug deal, and maybe to give Phil Spector a place to show off his Rolls Royce and his new wig...

I watch it once in a while just to hear a stoned Peter Fonda say "hey man" just a few times less than Tommy Chong does in a Cheech and Chong movie...I'm sure it has value but Two Lane Blacktop was a better movie with less plot and another odd ending...

I didn't actually agree with the opnion of a prof who stated that like L Ron Hubbard once said, "Lets see if we can fool everyone, and make some money doing it", Peter and Dennis made a comment along the lines of, "Lets get stoned while making a movie and then sell it to anyone who will pay for the vacation we just took"..... Oddly enough that does actually seem like what they did...Good for a laugh once a year on TCM...


If this is the worst movie seen by the OP, they need to see more movies.
This is a time capsule classic


A friend in the 90's lent this movie to me, and I hated it. I thought it was garbage. About 10 years later, it was on the big screen at a local theater, so I gave it another try. I loved it; it was fantastic. Try it again sometime. You might change your mind.


you are a mother *beep* thats all.



I didn't like this movie either. I think this movie was kind of a joke because They these actors were most likely not acting ,but just asked to do what they normally do in real life, get stone constantly ,and have a lot of sex. They were probably stone through out the filming. Also, this film is the epitome of the late 60s a period which I detest.


That's a pretty strong statement. I'm curious: What are 3 of the best movies you have seen?


It's impossible for me to name 3 of the best movies I have seen because I love countless films. I love old movies the best.


I loved Midnight Cowboy, but at least that was about something. When I was young we would have laughed at the lameness of the "hippies" portrayed in this corny, sentimental film. I do like the score, though, coming from a time when FM radio was downright subversive.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


On the DVD commentary, they say that the cast was high during all the filming.

I don't find the talk of stoned people interesting, at all. It irritates me, even.

But, the music is great. Some of the scenery is cool. The social commentary is simplistic but OK. It's fun to see a young Jack Nicholson. He was so talented, even back then.


Is it as bad as Internet Troll, the Quest for Cheap Laughs?


Its not the top three but it rightfully belongs in worst category, Those who think this movie deserves acclaim have some problems with reality!
