MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Easily one of the top three worst movies...

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen.
I am actually ticked off that I just wasted the time to watch this crap.


This and the Billy Jack movies. Dated, bad acting, silly.


Easily one of the top three worst movie "comments" I have ever seen..
For sure you are not a very intelligent person to state that. I think you are probably one those south racist rednecks at least in your little mind. Go see one of your top three great movies. Let me guess.. one of the Jackass series for sure.. feel sorry for you douchebag


First time I saw this film was about 6 years ago My partner was saying how great it was, must admit Wasn't spellbound by it but very watchable and it is the Platform for one of the greatest actors of our time Jack Nicholson



You wasted more time posting your opinion.


What is the purpose of threads like this? Why does anyone feel the need to come to this site and report things like this? If you have a disappointing meal in a restaurant do you stand outside the restaurant and shout about it to strangers? You offer nothing in the way of constructive criticisms, you do nothing to generate any kind of meaningful discussion about the film, you bring absolutely nothing to the table. No one gives a rat's ass if this is one of three, five, ten or fifty worst movies you've ever seen. Rate the movie a "1" and leave it at that if you aren't capable of or willing to articulate any sort of reasoned complaints about the movie.


Couldn't agree more. I attempted to watch it last night - shut if off after an hour or so. SO BORING! Nothing happens. And no, I am not fifteen, and no I have not only seen four movies in my life.

I never understand why movies deemed "the best" are always some of the worst

