MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Easily one of the top three worst movies...

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen.
I am actually ticked off that I just wasted the time to watch this crap.


While I wouldn't put it in the worst movies seen category, it was definitely not a good movie. I can appreciate that it captured a time and idea, but everything else fails. Plot, editing, acting, direction are all mediocre or worse.


It definitely isn't one of the worst films I have ever seen, Sex & The City 2, Transformers, or a lot of the other crap that is peddled out these days. However, I feel that the first forty minutes were entirely unessential,and could have been condensed into five minutes to give the film ample time to really explore the films real messages etc.
It all picked up when Jack Nicholson came into it, and not just because of him, but his character added an interesting dynamic to the story, and begun to drive it. When he "left", it managed to retain the quality, but I think the last forty five minutes or so would have benefited from more time, and the first half could have been diluted.
Not one of the worst films I have seen, but one of the worst missed opportunities.


Then obviously you don't have good taste in movies

"Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!"- Jack Nicholson, The Shining.


he/she also hated Midnight Cowboy. sometimes thinking is just too hard.



I wouldn't necessarily say one of the worst. But I would go with one of the most overrated. I enjoy movies with a plot and this one didn't have any. I guess the plot was to get to New Orleans. It had a message and themes but no plot. It reminds me of something from the mind of Hunter S. Thompson.

Yes we get it these people were "free" to do what they want.


This movie changed Hollywood forever!!! Its a classic from start to end...and speaking of the ending. I rank it top 5 best ever. The good guys don't always prevail and this movie is perfect to show that they were doomed only because they wanted the American drean during a f'd up time in this country.

RIP Hopper

You mean maryjuana? - Jack


I agree that this movie was totally lacking in plot & character development. I enjoyed watching it, but the ending was so abrupt & out of nowhere that it was almost as if they realized they were near their time limit & had to end it.

BANG! Roll credits.


Go on the board for any well-known movie, and you'll see some "look at me" kid saying it's the worst movie he's ever seen, and a bunch of morons arguing with him. It's totally depressing.

Pills are good! PILLS ARE GOOD!


Is it possible to have an intelligent conversation here given the inciteful nature of this post? Because even those writing in defense of the movie aren't giving their argument much thought. I mean, it is possible to understand it's significance in cinema and as Hopper's personal statement regarding the near antiquated state of American hubris and the repressive quality of conventional society, while at the same time acknowledging the movie's faults.

Whether the characterizations of the antagonists are accurate, they are all portrayed in a very cliche'd fashion. And that's okay because it sends the proper message as intended. But i do think that a previous poster was correct in pointing out that the movie doesn't really properly come together until Nicholson's character enters the story. My initial criticism would be that of the lack of any meaningful dialogue apart from what are essentially monologues by Nicholson. Fonda's character barely says much and there's little to no actual character development. You don't learn anything about them except that they are "free spirits" on a road trip. And again, that's okay, because as George points, to their oppressors what they represent is freedom. Hence the central message of the film.

My other criticism would be that the females are all too ready and willing to put themselves out for guys they know absolutely nothing about. And once again, it's not totally implausible. Woman have been throwing themselves at musicians for all of history. And at this time of awakening in America, sexuality was explored more freely. But i also think it's rather indicative of the masculine perception of women's role in society and in film.

And lastly, that LSD trip they were on seemed a rather frightful experience. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but out of the too numerous times to count that i've tripped, there have only been a couple brief moments like that. All have mostly been profound and beautiful.

Regardless, i think this is a brilliant and topical film. But it's an amateur one so forgive it's faults. Art is subjective anyway and if you are not able to relate in some way then you just won't get it.


Well with such a complex analysis of what is wrong with the film, how could anyone disagree with you?

Really you should publish this post, it will win a Pulitzer prize. I always thought this was a classic film until you pointed out all its flaws and provided such deep insight into the meaning of 'crap'.

It's funny though -- I imagine half of the characters in the film would show the same level of intelligence as your post. Git 'er done Bzerzxizc!


A top 3 of worse movies you have ever seen... wow! Howard the Duck, EMurphy movies since Boomerang?

I agree that this movie is totally over-rated and a complete mess...

It's not like I am a young guy or anything, but across the board it was a buddy deal with drug-induced players all around... Nicholson was the ONLY redeeming factor.

I actually watched the Bonus Material on the DVD and it was surprising to me how proud they were at creating such a piece.


Well I read all the arguments and I still say...Hippie crap...but the worst move, no...that falls to dark Shadows with Depp.


I'm not a huge fan of the film or the culture it represents but it is not horrible.

I actually watched it for the first time in it's entirety and found some good things there.
