MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Easily one of the top three worst movies...

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen.
I am actually ticked off that I just wasted the time to watch this crap.


I agree! I never saw the movie when it first came out, although I was 19 years old when it did. Over the next 40 years I saw bits and pieces of the movie, and became bored so fast that I couldn't watch any more. Tonight, 45 years later I watched the entire thing on TCM, so I could see the beginning and hoping that I missed something that might make the movie better. It didn't. It is in fact the WORST movie I've ever seen with a supposedly 5 star rating. Fonda spends the entire movie starring at the ground. He could have phoned that so called acting in. Hopper meanwhile is just an obnoxious idiot throughout the movie. And what was with his getup? He looked like a 70s porn star. But the WORST part of the movie, was the MOVIE! Did they phone that in also? According to the trivia section on IMDb, they did! They were winging it without a script half the time and it shows. Those endless scenes of stupidity while stoned, those endless scenes of useless dialog while camping. I was so bored that I was begging for a commercial break just to have something to watch! But it never came, and so I sat though the worst waste of film since Howard the Duck. I normally give bad movies from my era a pass (remember Candy?) but this one takes the cake. It's as bad as it gets.


Drama , much , you should had just switched the channel instead of torturing yourself , hahahaha I get this Movie and like it because whatever their idea was in finding freedom all they found was small minded, settled ,scared Bullies who killed them in the end . Too bad you were never young and free


An OP slags off a film and never says another word to the replies.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


Easily one of the top three worst posts I have ever seen


Have you ever had the desire to be free? Because that is what Easy Rider is really about. Every cinematic masterpiece has a great and universal and timeless theme. The Wizard Of Oz for example has "There is no place like home". Think of any great film, it's there. Now Easy Rider was fortunate to pick one of the most universal desires of the human experience, and that is why it is so great.


travelere-you are presenting a question to the same character of person that shot captain america and Billy, hillbillies don't know squat other than how to gut and clean a squirrel in 10 seconds.


What are the other 2?
