MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Easily one of the top three worst movies...

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen

Easily one of the top three worst movies I have ever seen.
I am actually ticked off that I just wasted the time to watch this crap.


I can see why you wouldnt like it.
Made on a shoestring budget with rented equipment by a(relatively)unknown and inexperienced director and producer.
No big explosions or gratuitous violence
No A list actors with million dollar salaries.
It actually tells a relevant story, and requires the viewer to pay attention to whats going on and think about it. (The main charactors die and did nothing to deserve it)

No, nothing here for YOU to like is there?


Made on a shoestring budget with rented equipment by a(relatively)unknown and inexperienced director and producer.
You can't possibly fault someone for not liking a film with poor production values and inexperienced people at the helm. Does it somehow make it better when it looks like crap?

No A list actors with million dollar salaries.
They saved the million dollar salary for the soundtrack instead.

It actually tells a relevant story
There was a story?

The main charactors die and did nothing to deserve it
Flipping off a man pointing a shotgun at you. Deserving of death AND a Darwin award.

While the insipid ad-libbed dialogue may have been "true to life," it doesn't generally make good entertainment. Most people also don't like films that are about everyday experiences or "the journey." People like plot. Also, the strange device of quickly cutting the scene back and forth is jarring and pointless. I find it odd that it happens so frequently in the beginning, is then forgotten through the middle of the movie, and suddenly makes a reappearance at the end. Poor editing perhaps. I'll never know since I wouldn't subject myself to Hopper's cut.


You seriously think that flipping off a man because has a gun is enough reason for someone to die?
Why did that guy draw his gun in the first place?

hello good sir!


You are certainly entitled to not like it but I'm really curious... what are the other 2 films that make your Worst Ever list? You couldn't have seen many movies. May I suggest Manos: Hands of Fate or The Beast of Yucca Flats.


Midnight cowboy was one of the other two according to this person's previous posts.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!


Haha! Now that's funny. When Steve McQueen's excellent 'Shame' came out a few years ago, the high watermark used by critics to quantify its worth was 'Midnight Cowboy' - so it must've done something right to be their go-to work, forty-odd years on. Maybe this chap just doesn't like 1969 (or anything made before 2000s era Michael Bay).

''This is the best bad idea we have, sir. By far.''


I always crack a smile when someone declares how bad a film is without giving ANY reason as to why this is the case.

Never defend crap with: "It's just a movie"
My work:


@Robbmonster -

Most agreed. I sometimes welcome the challenge, IF said person has something actually interesting to say. More often than not (as is the case, most likely, with our OP) someone dislikes or 'hates' a film without any substantial reason. Good criticism is in the details.

And I doubly agree - "It's just a movie" is anything but a defense. Because, of course - if it's good, it's anything except 'just a movie'....

“No man can be a genius in slapshoes and a flat hat.” - Buster Keaton



I see horned rim glasses, a flat top buzz cut and a beer gut. Topped off, of course, with a big ol' ca'boy hat.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


No matter WHAT movie it is, no matter how great and well done a movie is, someone posts this.




There's one of you on every board. Doesn't matter since this film is a masterpiece of American independent cinema.

