MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > Marcia' snarky comments to Jan

Marcia' snarky comments to Jan

I recall her condescending "not attractive" remark to Jan over her friend Clark Tyson , and thought wow how rude! In addition, to her nonchalant attitude when Jan refused to wear her glasses when riding her bike. Even Greg showed more concern. Lastly, remember when Jan won a seat on student government, but broke promises to her classmates? She did not have a date for the homecoming dance I believe, and Marcia rubbed it in her face somewhat. Was Jan ever snarky at her?


"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" was snarky, wasn't it?


I can't believe you watch The Brady Bunch


Strange Response. I can't say that I actively watch The Brady Bunch today, but I have watched all of the episodes in both syndication and on DVD, and am very familiar with all the episodes. So what?


You bought the DVD collection? So you must still at times watch episodes


Probably not in the last 10 years, no. Why do you care?


I'm taking a poll of movie chat users who still watch the Brady Bunch.


Does Jan saying, "I can walk home all by myself" or something like that count?
