Why did Ben murder Harry?

He shot him with a shotgun just because he wanted to go down to the cellar?

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.




He was a danger and a threat. Not to mention he was pissed off at him for leaving him out there to die.


Because Harry was a *bleeping* coward. His wife didn't even look upset that he got shot. Of course she was being mauled by zombies at the time, still not a peep about her husband being shot.


It wasn't a shotgun and he shot Harry because Harry purposely didn't help him in situations where he could have died. I guess Ben didn't want to take the risk of being locked up inside with a man that wanted him dead.


It was a rifle, I believe. A shotgun shells would have buckshots Harry's punk ass would have died a lot more quicker if it was a shotgun. Helen obviously didn't care much about whether Harry died he was a total jackass to her and really didn't want to help Ben. Would the basement be the best place yes and no. If they sealed the door they would have been safe, now if the basement had a window that could have been an escape come day when the law men showed up.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


Pure anger at being intentionally locked outside.


Harry was trying to overpower Ben and putting him and the women in danger.


Ben had already overpowered him.


PaladinNJ (2751) 4 months ago

Ben had already overpowered him

Because the guy kept pulling crap when the whole group was in dire straits. He was a liability. Especially considering the situation that led to him being shot. Instead of just saying, "Quick, into the cellar," he went for the gun.


Harry was trying to overpower Ben and putting him and the women in danger.

Yeah, no kidding. Did the OP even watch the same movie? lol. Why is this even a topic?


he should've just hit him with the butt of the shotgun and send him rolling down the cellar
