MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (1966) Discussion > What's with all the blue and lens flares...

What's with all the blue and lens flares in the poster?

It's like they changed the poster to make your brain think it's STD. I've never watched STD, but I have seen many clips of it (thanks to RedLetterMedia) and from what I've seen there's blue and lens flares all over the place. It wouldn't surprise me at all that the redesign of TOS's poster was deliberately done to evoke that show. Just something that annoys me every time this show trends on this site.


i never watched STD either but i got one....


it looks a lot more like the posters or TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT

which basically confirms my initial assumption,

the simply redid all of the old ones, so they would "match" each other


It's the Blu Ray cover, stupid! No lens flare.


Not to mention its the movie version Enterprise on there
