MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (1966) Discussion > “By Any Other Name” and “Wink of an Eye”

“By Any Other Name” and “Wink of an Eye”

Same basic story it seems.


As was The Doomsday Machine and The Immunity Syndrome. As was This Side of Paradise (the crew goes native) and The Paradise Syndrome (Kirk goes native). The Return of the Archons and A Taste of Armageddon. As much as I love ST ideas were not exactly plentiful.


Don't forget Charlie X and The Squire of Gothos.

And of course, The Changeling became Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


I agree that the basic ideas were repeated. But I don't see Charlie X and The Squire of Gothos as the same story. They had some elements in common but there were crucial differences. Basically, I see one as tragedy and one ultimately a comedy with no one getting hurt.

Charlie was a human who was given powers so he could survive as a child all alone as the sole survivor of a crash landing.
His story plays out on the Enterprise as a great example of a human who was given powers to survive physically but was given no socialization on how to survive mentally. The race who rescued him gave him powers so he could live but they couldn't help him grow to maturity. He was unable to live among his own kind because he never learned self control, concern for others' feelings, empathy or any of the things good parents teach their children. His story was sad because he was ultimately forced to go back with the alien race and lead a lonely existence.

The Squire however was just a spoiled brat whose parents overindulged him. His powers were a natural part of his make-up. Once he matured it's doubtful that he would keep using his abilities to "play games" with unsuspecting races.
Some fans have suggested that Trelane was actually one of the Q from ST:The Next Generation.


Some fans have suggested that Trelane was actually one of the Q from ST:The Next Generation.

That's an interesting thought! And if so, then his parents were presumably Qs also -- nice to know that some of them have some consideration for other species!
