MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (1966) Discussion > Rainbow Month: Star Trek is Gay!

Rainbow Month: Star Trek is Gay!

More than halfway through Pride Month, the LBGT+ staff here at TrekMovie thought it the perfect time to bring a little gayness into your life. And what better way to unwind during these tough times than with a gay Star Trek marathon?

Writing this article was no easy feat. After all, we had half a mind to just post every Garak scene and be done with it. But, despite Trek not having any openly gay characters for its first five decades, there’s a lot of LGBT+ love to go around.

So let’s work our way from the bottom to the top of this list of LGBT+ moments in Trek.

8. Kirk Makes Out With… Himself? In Star Trek VI
7. Jadzia Normalizes Gay Romance in DS9’s “Rules of Acquisition”
6. The Entire Mirror Universe (Discovery)
5. Elim Garak
4. Sulu in Star Trek: Beyond
3. Agender Species in TNG’s “The Outcast”
2. Jadzia Dax
1. Culber and Stamets


Looks like Seven is gay to. season 2 will be interesting.


funny to think that homosexuality and being 'gay' was a big no no/very hush hush not that long ago (and in the 80s Aids was abit like covid for the gay community) .. yet now its pretty much the norm/acceptable .. times definitely are a' changing

the minority/oppressed are really coming to the fore now. I guess its mainly due to social media..


They haven’t cured that in the future? (Male gayness, I mean of course. Lesbianism is perfectly natural)


Sulu wasn't gay during the original series, and was seen flirting with women. Making the character gay was tacked on much later.
