Lesbian Heroine?

It seemed to me pretty clear that the heroine was a lesbian. She starts off riding in the car with two women who drag race men, she tells the doctor repeatedly that she has no interest in men and never has -- and keeps away from her lecherous neighbor, she's more than willing to have her landlady come in when she's half-dressed, and there are lots of other little clues along the way. I saw the dance at the end as being about her being sucked into zombie-ish heterosexuality -- and running from it.

After watching the interviews with the writer and director, I was surprised that no one said anything about that (even though Kansans might not use the word "lesbian" out loud. :-) ) Am I reading too much into this or did other people think this too?


I thought Mary was just very aloof and alienated from everyone else.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


Obviously, that's the meaning YOU took from the film, and as far as you're concerned, that's the only meaning that matters.


An example of "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing." Everybody thinks they're a psychoanalyst.


I thought she was a leprechaun.


No way was she a lesbanaught.

Here’s a thought though - since she’s dead anyone pumping her would be a necrophile, and if she masturbated it would be like a zombie fingering itself.

(You’re welcome for that image)
